(9) The Perfect Proposal

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The next morning was Christmas morning, Bucky looked over at Allie and started to kiss her shoulder and neck and whispered "Merry Christmas dollbaby time to get up."

She just whispered "merry Christmas baby now shh I'm sleeping."

She was exhausted she somehow managed to get 3 rounds of sex out of Bucky.

He chuckled and said "Baby your daddy will kill me for sure if  we are late to your family's Christmas dinner."

She still wouldn't budge so he rolled her over on her back and said "Dollbaby I know you are tired and sore but we really do have to go back to the house and get ready."

She let out a sigh and said "Fine."

She threw the blanket off of her and started to put her clothes back on.

He walked over to her and said "By the way black lace is my fucking weakness." He kissed her neck and started to get ready himself.

They headed back up to her dad's house to get ready for the Christmas festivities.

She walked in and said "Morning daddy."

He came out of the kitchen and said "Um where have you two been all night?"

Allie bit her lip and all she could think about was the mind blowing sex she was having with Bucky but she knew she couldn't tell her dad that.

She said "We stayed in the barn last night and I um we had sex and um fell asleep..."

Her dad started to laugh and said "Allie Grace of all the things you would be nervous to tell me is that."

She ran up the stairs to her room she was sore it hurt to actually walk. Her dad looked at Bucky who was still standing there and said "Please tell me that you atleast made it easy on her cause I know that she isn't good with pain."

Bucky said "I tried as best as I could but there was still some tears."

Her dad hugged Bucky and said "All I ask is that you be careful with her." 

They all headed over to her Aunt's house after they got ready. They all sat down for dinner and as everyone is finishing up her Uncle John said "Allie Grace why were we not one of your stops when you came in with your boyfriend in September."

She said "Because you all would have told him embrassassing stories about me and I already do that all by myself."

Bucky said "You do not babydoll you are perfect."

Her aunt said "No I wouldn't have told him any stories like that on you but I would have showed you all something I found the other day going through boxes that were in the barn."

Allie said "If it's a home video I don't want him to see it."

Bucky said "Why?"

She said "Because most of them are of me dancing around." 

Her dad said "Actually Allie you might like the one she found it's not embrassassing." 

She saw her aunt get up and go into the living room and turn it on. All Allie heard was 

"Mama mama I didn't know you were a princess." 5 year old Allie said as she dragged her mother's wedding dress.

"Oh my little Allie Grace where did you find that dress?" Allie's mom said

"Mama I found it at grandma's house she let me try it on it's a princess dress right?" 5 year old Allie said.

"Yes babygirl it's a princess dress it's the dress that I married your daddy in. One day it will be the dress that you get married in." Her mama said to her

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