(4) Apple Pie

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That night Bucky couldn't Allie or those gorgeous blue eyes of hers out of his mind. She was sitting at home with the girls when the boys came over. Bucky came over sat down beside her and saw her book "Oh god not you too!" She looked at him and said "What?" He said "You are a Psycology."

She smiled said "Yes I am." She went to her room to put her book and he followed her into her room. He saw her pictures hanging up he saw her mom and dad.

He said "Wow you look just like your mom."

She said "Thank you that was their wedding day. She was just a year older than me now in that picture."

He looked at her and said "So um can I ask a question did you never have a boyfriend before your mom passed away."

She took a deep breathe and said "No I did have one when I was 15 but I just um it's silly I just I grew up listening to how my mom and dad fell in love it was my favorite fairytale. At that time I was into English Lit that was going to be my other choice of a major."  He looked at her and said "How did they meet?"

She smiled and said "Well um they met at a party. She was a lot like me my dad saw her from across the room he said that for weeks he couldn't stop thinking about her and her eyes. After two weeks of agony he found her on campus and asked her out. My mom said that when he first kissed her she just knew that he was the one and was so glad that she had waited. They were married for 20 years and every year on Valentines day her birthday and their anniversary he bought her flowers. Every 5 years he bought her a new engagement ring. He tried his best to give her the world. "

Bucky saw her face how it lit up talking about her parent's and realized that there was no way he could be with her.

He said "Wow that's awesome Allie."

She said "Well I'm hungry so I'm going to go get some pizza."

She left the room firstthen he came out and said "I have to go."

Steve looked at him confused as to why he had to go but didn't ask. Allie didn't find it strange she just thought he got a phone call or something. 

It wasn't that Bucky got a phone call he just realized that Allie is a girl he just couldn't have. He doesn't do love flowers or dates and that's what she wanted. He got on his bike and drove over to his ex girlfriend Lacey's place and apologized for being such a jerk. They were always on and off again it was mainly just sex for them. He spent the night with Lacey then drove home to get ready for the first day of class. When he walked in he saw Allie with her glasses on and her hair in a side braid and black chuck taylor shoes. She looked beautiful so he sent her a text to tell her.

She pulled her phone out of back pocket as she talked to Sam about how to cook bacon. She saw the text and saw him standing at the door she texted back thank you. He went upstairs and got ready for class and came back down and joined the group. They all left for class after they ate breakfast.

Natasha and Allie were walking across campus when they passed Bucky. He was leaned up against his bike making out with some blonde. Allie felt a lump in her throat she couldn't cry in front of Nat cause she would be mad at her for crying over Bucky.

Natasha looked over at her and said "You ok?"

Allie said "Yeah I take it that is Lacey." She pointed in their direction.

Nat said "oh yeah I bet that is why he left so abruptly last night she probably called him."

She got into the car and said "Hey do you think you could take me by the store?"

Natasha said "Sure honey are you sure you are ok?"

Allie just shook her head yes when she got to the store she got all the ingredients she needed to make apple pie. Her mom always made her apple pie when she was having a bad day. When she got back to the apartment she made her pie and after she let it cool down.

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