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The room was quiet, still, the sound of a single pen dropped to the ground that echoed the room. Nothing but wide eyes were on me and I could feel myself slowly melting into a puddle. No. More like quick sand. 

I'm standing in front of Namjoon, his face still shocked from what he just saw, mouth still open but no words were coming out. Just when I was about to resort back to the rest of the group Namjoon his throat and I slowly turn around before he spoke.

"Uhh..Umm..Sorry!.. I didn't say everything honestly." He waves his hands in front of his face, hiding the fact that he actually did. "I just dropped by because Lisa left her journal so I'm just returning it." He takes out the journal from his work bag and Lisa happily runs up to him and takes it.

"Wow! I knew I was forgetting something. Thank you Dr. Namjoon. Y/N was amazing wasn't she?" She says jumping happily and looks back at me. Namjoon looks at me and smiles and I hide my face by turning around and start walking around the room, without thinking. Cl tells everyone to warm up and everyone scatters to do their own type of warm up. 

"You're a very talented dancer. I'm amazed by how much emotion you put into a song that has so much meaning and depth. How long have you been dancing? CL walks up to me. I suddenly became nervous and start to pick at my nails. 

"It's been years so I haven't danced in a long time. I honestly can't remember why I stopped. "I say looking down at the floor and start rubbing off the imaginary goosebumps that started to form on my arms.

"Sweety, you have a gift that most people are sometimes afraid to show. Your gist should be shown to the world. Most people think they're not good enough and some are stuck up and think they're better than everyone. But for you, everyone can see it and you should you cherish it. I hope that with you  being in this workshop you'll start to gain confident again" 

I was taken away with how kind and dedicated she was to me and I just met her. I didn't know what to say. I was never the one to  give in to compliments because either I rarely get them, remember any or just been told lies. 

"One day  maybe you can join my dance group in Korea, once you rehabilitate and get better. I would absolutely love to have you." She moves closer to me and lightly pats me on the shoulder. I find it comforting how so many people here actually care about each other. I feel like there was nothing to hide from anyone but I still reserve my emotional thoughts to myself.

I look back at Namjoon, who was still talking to Lisa, wondering if he had felt the same way. If he felt that way because he's my psychologist and he' supposed to sympathize with his patients or he really felt that way.

"Thank you CL. It' been a long time since I've treated nicely and given so much praise. Since being admitted here I've been given nothing but support. It's a little scary but it's refreshing' I smile shyly. "I would gladly take your offer when the time comes" I said to her

CL smiles and nods and walks to the center of the dance room and calls everyone to get into their positions. I find myself in a comfortable position, where I'm not too far away from Cl and not too far from the doorway. It was just enough to see myself in the mirror, and able to see CL as she's about to instruct. Lisa runs up to me and puts her arm around my shoulder and leans into me. I smile back and do the same. I look over my shoulder and see Namjoon heading for the door, but looks back and locks eyes on me. He then gives a smile and gentle smile. I quickly turn my face away, facing the rest of the group and the music starts. Just the thought of him smiling at me made me blush. Maybe I'm imagining things, or it's just wishful thinking.

Two Hours Later

We finished our dance workshop and we all started putting away dance equipment in to the storage room. It was a little after  one and we all had to have our lunch before having the rest of the day to do what we want. We all head to the lunchroom and the smell of rotisserie chicken, vegetables, rice, steamed potatoes hit my nose light a bullet. My mouth watered and I couldn't wait to eat. I sat at the seat from earlier and waited anxiously for our table to go up and grab some food. 

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