Chapter One

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Love is everything.

Love is powerful.

Love is lasting.

Smiles spread across their faces as they all intertwined fingers and skip around in a circle. Giggles escaped their lips.

Love is everything.

Love is powerful.

Love is lasting.

One pup glanced over at me as they continued to dance. Dimples formed at the edges of his lips as the corners of his eyes crinkled into a smile.

Love is everything.

Love is powerful.

Love is lasting.

A female's voice whispered the chant over and over again. I couldn't tell where the sound was coming from. I closed my eyes and scrunched my eyebrows together. Placing my hands to my ears, I tried to stop the chant, but the words continued to echo throughout my mind.

Love is everything.

Love is powerful.

Love is lasting.

~ ~ ~

The dream from last night replayed over and over in my mind. I couldn't figure it out.

It was another one of my mother's lessons about how to be a Moon Goddess. What did this one mean? Was she telling me to value love? Love has hurt me too many times. I loved Damon and he told me I was weak. I loved Luca and he wouldn't kill Alexandra for me. What was so powerful and lasting about love? Why was it everything?

"You look like you've gained weight." His voice snatched me out of my thoughts.

My eyes widened as I stared at him through the mirror. Furrowing my eyebrows together, I placed my hands on my hips. "Excuse me?" I asked. "Did you really just say that?"

Valerio shrugged as his gaze fell on my bare stomach in the bathroom mirror. "Gaining weight isn't a bad thing."

I looked down at my body. I could still see the outline of my abs, but a thin layer of fat covered it. Grabbing it in my hand, I frowned. I glanced over at Valerio's bare abdomen and tried pinching the fat on him. All my fingers could pinch was thick muscle.

A low growl escaped my lips as I pushed them together. "I'm training the same amount that you are. Why am I gaining weight and you aren't?" I asked.

He grabbed a shirt from the counter and tugged it on. "Your body is on overload right now. You got bit by Alexandra, so your body wants to prepare itself for a shift into a werewolf, but at the same time your body is preparing you for the shift into the Moon Goddess. It's storing fat, so you can get through the shift."

I nodded my head but kept the frown on my face. "So, if I'm turning into a werewolf, then won't I die during the blood moon? First time shifters die during blood moons, don't they?" I remember back when Luca was telling me and Aaisha about the blood moon when Aaisha was bitten.

He nodded his head as he walked to the door. "That is true, but your Moon Goddess shift will suppress your werewolf shift." I nodded my head in understanding. "But there's no telling what other werewolf things will happen during the transition."

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