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ok so i've said it countlessly before, but apparently some people don't have a fucking brain.

as you guys know, in this story, farah was dating noah who was abusive. he beat her for talking to israfil, saying he's a dirty arab and that farah shouldn't associate with him because he's middle eastern, and in his mind that automatically means that he's an islamic terrorist. he tells her not to talk to him because her father was killed by an islamic extremist suicide bomber, and that all arabs are all the same.  she goes on to say that race has nothing to do with humanity or some shit like that and gets beaten for it. BAsically my point i was trying to make by including this scene, was that, shit like this actually happens in real life. i'm half middle eastern and muslim myself, and my family has experienced hate first hand.

but that's besides the point. anyway, someone PMed me, (i won't name them),  calling muslims/arabs terrorists. first of all; what in the flying fuck? you clearly have something wrong with you if you think for a damn second that my religion supports that violent shit. it doesn't. the literal translation of 'islam' means peace. i kid you not. in the quran, (our holy book), it clearly states that hating on another group of people is not allowed by any means. killing people who don't line up with what you believe with isn't okay, either. so these terrorist groups, like ISIS, that want to claim they're muslim is the absolute most wackest bullshit i've ever heard- they're just extremist monsters who want to use a religion to justify their horrible acts.

our prophet himself faced discrimination in polytheistic mecca when he first introduced islam. even people from other monotheistic religions, like christianity and judaism hated on islam back then. muslims at the time were stoned in the streets, killed and raped for even believing in something else. so for you to say my religion supports such radical ideals is absolute horseshit. read fucking history books and study my damn religion before you want to comment.

secondly, to say that all arabs are terrorists, is also completely stupid. here's a fun fucking fact for you; only 15% of the muslim population is arab. not only that, but muslims are affected by 'islamic' extremist groups more than any other group of people. on top of that, statistics show that arab and muslim neighbourhoods have the lowest crime rates and highest education rates out of other races/ethnicities- so to say that we're violent and uneducated is factually incorrect.

now that i'm done clearing up bullshit, im going to say it again because i'm tired of hearing this. you don't like the people and ethnicities used in my book; good for fucking you. you have eyes and fucking fingers, use them to navigate your way out of my damn profile and comment section. read another book where you can stand all the characters with your stupid ass racist brain. so this is the last time i'm going to say it; ISRAFIL IS ARAB AND HAS HUMAN FAMILY THAT IS MUSLIM. FARAH IS A BLACK CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN AND NOAH IS A WHITE ATHEIST.

if you don't like that, i really couldn't care less, just don't go spreading your lies and hatred where it isn't needed or wanted. if you don't want to read about diversity and different cultures, exit now.

that being said, i'm normally not that much of a bitch but i've literally received more than three complaints about the ethnicities/races/religions used in my book.

ok bye

Orphic (#1 in the Hajar series)Where stories live. Discover now