Waiting for the Fall

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Hi, it's fall again🍂
Some people have been desperately waiting for the fall unlike me. Not that I don't love it. I do but I don't like what follows it. Anyways this is part two to Modern Romantics. I hope you enjoy it and I hope this fall brings you all good things...

Your author,

A haircut later the shades of fall reflected on my hair and I reflected on my choice of haircut

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A haircut later the shades of fall reflected on my hair and I reflected on my choice of haircut. I had let Jackie experiment on it. Sometimes all a girl needed was a haircut, I was not that girl. I was constantly trying to get my new bangs out of my eyes. But it was nice to know Jackie had decided to do something with her talents. She decided not to go to college but to beauty school in Winchester.

Huntswood was so calm compared to the noises of students here. It was still crazy to think I wasn't living home anymore. My roommate's snore echoed and I didn't know whether to wake her up or not. I didn't want to start off on the wrong foot with her.

Living with a stranger didn't bother me nearly as much as I had been afraid of it. Why had I been afraid? I wondered if Jeremy was going to be okay sharing a room with someone else. He had made into Winchester to follow his passion for movies but under the football scholarship which meant he wasn't done just yet with the whole team thing.

We had an old coffee maker that I quickly replaced with a new one so that I could have homemade coffee with. I had brought 4bags with me. I guess there was still something back home I hadn't let go of just yet.

"Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, sorry. Just trying to get through here. Thank you." I went down the halls in a hurry apologizing to everyone but no one was saying it back, things surely worked the other way around here.

The lecture hall of my first class was not filled yet. So I took a seat towards the wall near the middle. I sipped on my coffee and waited for my math Professor.

During the summer I put myself through an intensive math prep for the college placement test. I wanted to test high so I wouldn't get stuck paying for too many prerequisites. I was very proud when I got my schedule and they had placed me in Math 103. The only 100 math class I would need for my major, business.

"Alright now that I've introduced the course please read chapter 3 is where we'll start next class. And before you go I'll take the class attendance." The Professor said at the end.

I knew I was going to be one of the last ones to be called because of my last initial but when he didn't call my name and I was the only one left in class we both looked confused.

"Um hi Professor I didn't hear my name being called."

"What's your name?" He asked sighing.

"Wright, Emily Wright, with a W."

"You're not in my class Miss Wright. I suggest going to the office."

"Oh sorry. And thank you."

Not in this class? But I had done my research I had picked him out of all the others professors. How was my name not on there? Maybe his sheet was missing my name. A small error. Where was the office anyway left or right? I looked both ways before walking to the left outdoors since I only knew it was not in the building I was currently in.

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