Nothing Special

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"Hey where's the restroom?" Dollar bill guy asked me

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"Hey where's the restroom?" Dollar bill guy asked me.

"All the way down and through the bar, to your left."

"Help me there," he told me putting his arm around my neck.

"I..." I didn't want to but he was too drunk to find it on his own.

"Come on, as you can see I'm not in my finest moment." He pointed out and I guided him to the bathroom.

When we got to the door I opened it for him and he went in and when I turned back Adam was there.

"What the hell are you doing carrying a grown drunk man to the bathroom?"

"My job Adam."

"Quit then. This is not a job for you."

"In what world do you think I would say, oh yes you're so right I'm quitting right now."

"If I knew this is what you were up to I never would have waited this long to try to talk some sense into you."

"What are you even talking about? Sense? I have nothing but sense. Tons and tons of sense. Why do you think I'm here working? Because I know better!"

"No I know you better! And this isn't for you! I thought you'd come here to chase your dreams not to do this! Not to wait on these rich boys hand and foot."

"Then just leave. Nobody asked you to come here."

"Emily," he grabbed my arm.


"Whoa man. I got dibs on the waitress." Dollar bill guy came out of the restroom trying to come in between Adam and I. "Right?" He winked at me, "I promise I'll tip you better this time." He said trying to put his hand on my face but I recoiled from his touch and Adam punched him.

"Don't touch her!" Adam told him after the punch as the guy fell on the floor losing his balance easily.

"Adam!" I yelled at him.

"Come on, I'm getting you out of here."

"No! This is my job!" I tried to argue with him but the manager came in and I stopped trying to get Adam off me.

"What is going on Emily?" My manager asked me.

"I'm sorry but..."

"Sorry?" Adam looked at me. "Sorry for what?! Carrying a grown drunk man to the bathroom or having him try to lay a finger on you?" Adam asked me and I looked down to the floor trying to hold in the anger I had with myself from letting that jerk he was talking about come near me. Trying to pretend it was normal and I could make believe it never happened. But I hated it, I hated what happened, I never wanted to be within a spitting distance of him.

"Is this true?" My manager asked me.

"Emily tell him," Adam said.

"Yes. It's true."

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