Trust Fund Babies

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Although Adam had told me to come to his place to practice on his piano I was determined to take full advantage of my education after all it wasn't cheap

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Although Adam had told me to come to his place to practice on his piano I was determined to take full advantage of my education after all it wasn't cheap.

"That will be $120 for a new card."

"Right," I handed my card as if I had all but forgotten I needed a new job until now.

In my wallet I had the business card James had offered me the night before. Should I? If I did it would feel like I was admitting that my job as a waitress was below me. It wasn't. It was disgusting to think people went about life measuring others like that. But my pride would not pay for things I needed like food and school expenses and next year's dorms. I put the card back in there making my wallet weigh a ton more.

"No, I got fired." I told Sam over the phone.

"Again! You need to catch me up on everything when we meet."

"How's Jenna?"

"Well I barely see her these days. She's always out and I'm always studying."

"Sounds like me and my roommate."

"Yeah I think it might be getting annoying to her that I can't go out as much."

"I'm sure she understands."

"I don't know. Even my boyfriend and I broke up over it."


"Too busy to be dating."

"I thought he was busy too."

"No one with a trust fund is as busy as someone who doesn't have anything to fall back on."

"I'm sorry Sam."

"After all my good advice to you..." She meant about me and James.

"And you think it's over for good?"

"I don't think there's any reason logically for us to be together right now."

"If you think it's for the best." Sam did not respond so I don't think she was sure of it. "Is your schedule really packed tonight?"


"Well maybe we just sit in your room, eating, braiding each other's hair like in high school."

"God I miss having time to do that."

"This city is not what we thought right?"

"No. Not at all. How are you liking it so far?" She emphasized the you.

"I... Haven't made up my mind yet on why you're the one who gets me through the night!" I said excitedly finding the perfect thought for my song.

"What?" She asked.

"Um I'll tell you when I see you. I have to write this down. Sorry call you back." I couldn't wait for her to hang up and pulled up my tape recorder I'd gotten in a store front for $10. This was too easy, I don't remember the last time that I had done something this easy. Everything else was hard work but this was like being a ripe fruit bearer all year long. Something was always ready to just be plucked out from my mind and placed on to reality.

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