Adding Things Up

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Studying with James turned out to be very fruitful it helped me to ace my math midterm

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Studying with James turned out to be very fruitful it helped me to ace my math midterm. And I was glad half of the semester was already over with. As for James he had gone away for the weekend so at least I knew I wouldn't be seeing nor bumping into him anywhere.

"So how is the math class you got into panning out dear?"

"Pretty good. I just got a 94 on my math test," I said happily.

"Oh I knew you could do it. You studied hard didn't you?"

"You have no idea. Till my eyelids were glued to the pages. Now my midterms are over and I'm pretty sure I'll average out that class into at least a B I can breathe."

"Good. Keeping scholarship is much harder then it used to be in my day. Also I sent you some pocket money. I know you haven't found a part-time yet so it's in your account."

"No grandma. I don't need it. The food here at the cafeteria is amazing." I exaggerated so she wouldn't worry or send me money. This had been my choice so I was okay with buckling down every penny that needed saving. I couldn't overwhelm her or my family more than I already had when I made my choice. 

"Yes you do. You should enjoy the foods out there. You can't just live there and live off cafeteria food. But don't get smart and misuse the money either on things you know are bad. You know what I mean."

"I do. I'm staying away don't worry but I seriously don't need it. Just keep your money "

"I'll just probably get some coffee from you when I go back during the Christmas break."

"Have you talked to your dad?"

"Yeah a few weeks ago he called to know if I needed anything and to ask when I'd be coming back. If I was going to be there for Thanksgiving or not."

"Good. Well I can tell how much he misses you."

"I miss him too but..."

"I know. She'll come around though I just don't know when. But remember to eat well. Sleep well."


"And keep good people around you. Tell the girls I sent them a hug."

"I will do that. Thanks grandma. Love you."

"Love you more dear."

As I hung up with her I immediately got on the phone with Sam. James was right, pride was not my achille's heel because I bit the bullet in order to get what I needed. Desperate times called for Jenna sized measures. 

"So Sam about Jenna's help for a job..."

"I'll tell her to call you when she knows something."


"But hey since you called I wanted to know are you going to Huntswood for Thanksgiving?"

"No. It'd be a waste of money at this moment."

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