Midnight Hits

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We made it through dinner putting the exchange behind us but something about Lindsey's posture made it impossible to ignore the fact I was a pebble in her shoe she wanted to yank out and throw as far as possible

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We made it through dinner putting the exchange behind us but something about Lindsey's posture made it impossible to ignore the fact I was a pebble in her shoe she wanted to yank out and throw as far as possible. Attempting to stay out of her way I stayed as far as physically possible from her at all times. I didn't want to sour the trip for her since I was the newly acquired stranger amongst the friends.

"Hey why don't you pick out a playlist for us again?" One of the boys said.

"Right, here you go," the other gave me the control over.

"Um sure," I got it and went towards the speakers.

First I adjusted the bass, drums, and voice settings of the speaker then I moved on to my playlist I thought would be better suited for the new year. James came over to watch me move some song around without questioning me. I acknowledged his presence but all he did was fix his tie. 

"Why are you moving the song?" He finally asked.

"Oh I want this to play when midnight hits."

"Why that one?"

"If you don't like it I can change it."

"No. Keep it," he put his hand on mine to stop me. "I was just curious."

"Um it's a song that will make everyone happy. That's it. Not my actual preference. If I were to do that I'd bring the whole party atmosphere down." 

"Then what would you pick if it was only for you?"

"Um..." I thought about it for a minute. "Same artist Still Corners but instead of Dreamlands I'd listen to Sad Movies."

"So you really like the artist?"

"Yes. I found them when I first moved to New York and they stuck with me."

"And if it was just us two?"

"Oh I don't know your taste just yet. How about you pick?"

"You're the playlist Queen here."

"Tell me your song and I'll tell you who you are."

"No hand needed?" He joked.

"No." I waited for him to talk and he didn't take long to answer.

"I'm a fool to want you," he said it straightforwardly and I almost choked on my tongue.

"Sinatra or Billie?"


"Ding, ding, ding. You win." I said and he chuckled. "I'm grateful to Sinatra for laying down the groundwork but it's Billie, you can't beat Billie. You can differentiate yourself from her but not beat her."

"Wow this is the most passionate I've seen you talk about subject."

"Ah well minor in Music. Not sure I have what it takes though piano feels kind of useless in the industry."

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