Chapter 24

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*Nicole's POV*

We pull up to the apartment complex where Michael parks the car before getting out and walking around to open my door for me.

It's Christmas night, and it's sort of a bittersweet feeling because you know the holidays are almost over, but you also know they'll be coming back soon enough.

This time of year used to make me sad. All the Hallmark movies I used to watch on TV about the couples that are destined to be together combined with being forced to go to my dad's business parties and seeing everybody but me have somebody to kiss when the ball dropped at Midnight on New Year's Eve made me a depressed, emotional wreck.

I guess I just never believed that I could have happiness or that I deserved it.

But when I look at Michael right now as I get out of this car, I can't help but feel like he's my very own movie and New Year's kiss that I've been waiting for forever.

He smiles at me like a little kid. "Did I do good tonight?" he asks me.

I laugh and nod. "Yeah, I think they liked you." I say as I take his hand in mine. "You know what that means?"

He raises his eyebrows "What?"

I smile at him. "It means we can finally make things official." I say as we enter the elevator.

He chuckles. "So does that mean I'm-"

"My boyfriend?" I say while instantly blushing at the words. I never thought I would use "my" and "boyfriend" in the same sentence. "Well, yeah. I would like you to be... but only if you want."

He smiles the biggest smile I've ever seen before wrapping me up in his arms and spinning me in a circle.

"Yes!" He exclaims before putting me down and kissing me on the forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too." I say while taking his face in both of my hands. I take the moment to examine him and I can't help but blurt out my thoughts. "You're literally the most beautiful man I've ever seen, Michael. Like, I honestly can't fathom how perfect you are." I suddenly feel tears in my eyes; I just can't believe he's mine.

"Stop! Oh, my goodness, you're embarrassing me; no, I'm not!" He says while covering his face with his hands and laughing hysterically.

Even though they're about three times the size of mine, I use both my hands to pry his away from his face. "Come on, let me look at you!"

"No!" He says while turning around.

"Michael, please!" I say one more time.

He doesn't say anything, but I hear him sniffle. Is he crying?

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask him while putting my hand on his arm.

"No." He snaps at me while jerking his arm away.

The elevator suddenly opens and he storms out before I have a chance to stop him.

I quickly follow after him, but he's way farther ahead of me.

"Michael, please! What's wrong?" I yell after him.

He ignores me and continues to fast-walk down the hall.

"Michael!" I yell again.

"Hey, keep it down out there or I'm calling the cops!" I hear one of our neighbors shout through the door while banging on it.

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