Thank You.

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Thank you for all of your love and support for this book. I hope you loved reading it as much as I loved writing it! For everyone who has been here since the beginning thank you so much! And for those who are just now coming in, thank you too! I started this book when I began college and I just graduated last semester! It's crazy to think how long this piece was in the works and how much love I got from posting a story just for fun; one that I never believed in a million years would gain popularity like it did! Thank you so much <3 The next two chapters aren't updates but rather, "bonus chapters" if you will. They are the letters that Michael and Nicole wrote to each other for Christmas. I don't know what I will be writing next ( I have an idea for a MJ Bad Era fic) let me know if you would read it! That being said, thank you and see you soon! 

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