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Abord the Galra ship.

I sigh. Why am I still here? Maybe I shouldn't have trusted my own judgement. The rescue won't come. I know this now. I just hope the Galra won't push me past my limits again. They have before. It didn't end well.

But now I have no reason to try to resist. I have no hope. I will probably die here. They will force me to fight, it's unfair. They shouldn't, yet I can't even attempt to escape. I know this. There is nothing for me to fight for.

I hear something down the corridor. Blasting? I am forced to duck down into the corner as something smashes through the wall next to my cell. A giant... Lion? "Voltron?!" I gasp. Someone cuts through the cell door. "Come on, let's go." They say, pulling me out. "Is that all of the prisoners?" Someone asks in their comm. "Yep. We can go now" they reply.

The rescue did come. But it was my enemy, however... Are they really my enemy? They did rescue me. I look at the paladin who rescued me. The green paladin. We could escape easily. I have seen others try.

The paladin raises their weapon at the end of the corridor. "Stay behind me. We have to fight our way through." They order. I sigh and point up to the vent. "There is an easier option." I say in their ear. Weapon raised, they nod and break through.

On the Altean ship.

"It's good that most of the prisoners were well enough to go home. Now we can focus on our priority." I sigh and go to walk out of the small room we are all in. "Where are you going? We need to introduce ourselves if you're going to be in our team." The black paladin says to me, closing the door.

"Team? Why would I want that? I don't  want to be in a team with the people that are supposed to protect those who resist the Galra Empire. The people who do nothing to help us in truth. Give me one reason I should stay." I say defiantly, glaring at all of them.

"Alright, enough. Why should you stay? You should just leave and go get yourself killed by the Galra. Good luck then." Came a fierce reply from the red paladin. He crosses his arms and leans against the wall.

"Both of you, STOP. This is no time to fight. Sorry about that" The black paladin sighs, "I'm Shiro. That's Keith, Pidge, Lance, Hunk, Coran and Princess Allura." Pidge, the green paladin smiles at me, with Lance, the blue paladin waving at me. The princess walks over, white hair tied up in a bun and wearing a pink body suit.

"It's nice to meet you. What's your name?" She asks, shaking my hand.
"Nice to meet you all too, I'm Skaye, but some call me Nightshade. If you haven't already guessed, I'm not human." I reply to Allura's question "I'm a hybrid. I'm mostly vampire, but I'm also part Altean, and part Galra." I say the last word with pure hatred.

"So, why am I supposed to be part of this team then?" I ask, bored. Keith sighs loudly. "I'm going now, if you need me, I'll be on the training deck." With that he gets up and leaves. Shiro answers my question. "You're the lost paladin. The purple paladin of Voltron." I gasp. That's not how I expected my day to go.

On the training deck, Keith's POV

Why did we need to rescue her? She's just as stupid as the others. Why does she need to join our team? I take out my anger on the training bots. Swing after swing, bot after bot, I don't feel any better. Just more confused.

"Hey, Keith. It's time for dinner, you haven't eaten all day. Come and have something to eat." Shiro comes in. I sigh, tiredness and hunger taking over after five hours straight of training. "I guess, I do need to rest I suppose."

I grab my jacket and set off towards the dining room. Hopefully she's not there. She's the last one I want to see.

In the dining room, Skaye's POV

I awkwardly sit at the table. Pidge gave me a tour of the ship, Hunk taught me to cook food for the team and Allura showed me to my armour and bayard. Yet no lion. I didn't really want to talk to anyone else. I was too tired. I already had a plan to evade the awkwardness of dinner.

"I'm really tired. I'm gonna go to bed, see you all in the morning." Hunk looked a little downtrodden, but nodded. I make my way down the corridors to my room. Hopefully I can get to sleep.

The corridor looks menacing, the way it is dimmed compared to the rooms. "Ugh, I can't see..." I murmur, head down, walking to where Pidge says the rooms are. I hear shuffling ahead, but think nothing of it.

Something trips me up, and I land with a soft thud on the floor. "Oh, sorry" the person says, helping me up. "Oh, it's ok... Keith?!" I exclaim.
He takes his hand away from my arm. "Oh honestly... Why do I keep bumping into you? It's not very helpful."

"Nice to see you too" I snap at him.
I walk towards my room, yawning. I really am tired. I can feel his gaze burning into my back. I look at him in the dim light. He looks a bit angry and... Sad? I sigh angrily.

"See you tomorrow." I go into my room and lay on the bed. That was an eventful day. It would seem I've already got enemies on the team.

~~Thanks for putting up with this. I would be grateful for any tips to make it better. Also, point out mistakes that I can correct please!~~ Thanks, LostFirestar

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