Battle Of Alliances

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Keith's POV

Why did she leave like that? She did seem a bit angry, but at what? Or who? She'll be back soon. Or she'll contact us to say when.

I leave the pod bay, and go to my room. I could do with getting some rest. I lay down on my bed once I go in my room, and almost instantly fall asleep.

I open my eyes and see Skaye sitting across from me, staring at the sky. I walk over to her, it feels like I'm wading through water. She turns her head slightly in my direction.

I sit next to her, and she sighs. "We're a lot alike. We both have our demons to fight, we have our struggles and not many people understand or like us. We're also hybrids, looked down upon" she says.

"But we're also different. My entire race was wiped out. I don't have a home. You've been accepted for who you are, I'm still not trusted. I never will be. I've learnt to live with that. I finally become happy... Then find out it was a ruse. It was all fake. That's why I can't trust anyone. I'm sorry Keith" she continues, standing up.

"But we're two of the biggest mysteries anyone has ever met. Do you want that to change? Do you want that to fade? Do you really want to leave?" I yell as she walks away. She flinches and turns around. "I wasn't meant for this time. For you, or anyone. I-I'm sorry. I'll see you in another life, another endless vision. Goodbye"

She continues walking away from me, and it eventually gets darker and darker. I guess this always happens. Someone I could trust, gone. But it could never happen... Not again.

I gasp as I wake. How long did that last? I need to talk to Skaye. That nightmare... Could it become reality?

I jump up, not wanting to fall asleep again. I walk out of my room, and go to the control room. As I walk through the doors, Shiro looks up, surprised.

"If you're looking for Skaye, she's not here. She's on that moon" he points to a small moon on the map. "Thanks Shiro" I say, and walk to the armory. I'm gonna go and talk to her.

Skaye's POV

Lotor comes closer, and the forcefield deactivates. I activate my bayard, and realise that I have the electrical blaster in my bayard pouch. I'll use it when I need to.

"You didn't think we would find you? No one escapes me easily. Especially not when you're needed. But you're of no use to me now. So, time to destroy the scrap" he shouts, lunging forward.

His sword narrowly misses me, and he swings again, and gets blocked by my blade. He pushes against my katana, forcing me backwards. I jump back, and get out of the crater. I slice at the side of it, causing rock falls. Lotor jumps over it, and kicks my blade out of my hand.

I grab my blaster, and fire multiple shots at him. Two hit, and he lands in front of me, a little dazed and disoriented. I run towards my pod, and grab my bayard on the way.

The cruiser fires lasers at me, and I dodge most of them, but one hits my pod as I get in. I try to get it to fly, but the wing is badly damaged. Something else pops up on my radar. Coming in fast, too fast to be Galra.

Lotor slices at my pod, and I try to get it airborne. The cruiser blasts at something coming to the moon, but gets destroyed by a blue laser beam.

"Need help?" Keith says in my comm and I sigh with relief. "Yeah, thanks, my pod's damaged badly. It can't fly." I reply, and open the windshield and blast Lotor again. He falls back, and Keith picks up my pod.

A small while later, we land in the castle. "So, what was that all about?" Keith says, helping me out of the pod. "Nothing. I just needed to calm down, I went to that moon, a Galra cruiser landed, it was Lotor, we fought, then you appeared. That's the basics. And when do I get an apology?" I say, taking off my helmet and allowing my hair to bob over my shoulder.

He looks at me, confused. "What for?" I sigh. "You didn't believe me when I warned you about the quintessence explosion. So?" I say, and he quietly apologises. I guess that'll do.

"New weapon?" He asks, noticing the blaster in my hand. "Kind of. Wanna see what it does?" I ask. He hesitantly nods. I raise it. "Well you asked for it" I say, and blast him with an electrical pulse, causing him to fall backwards as he's stunned.

I laugh at his shocked expression. "Oh" he says, and shakes his head, "that's a good weapon. But stop getting yourself in dangerous places. It's annoying"

"Good luck there, I doubt I can stop" I say. We begin walking down the corridor, and I suddenly get a pain in my stomach. I double over, and Keith looks at me, worried. "What's wrong?" He asks, as I sit down.

"I don't know, but I bet it isn't helping that I haven't eaten much for the past three days" I reply, trying to get up. He helps me, and we walk to the kitchen. "Ah, good timing for dinner" Hunk says as we enter and sit down at the table.

Lance looks at me weirdly, and then glares at Keith. Allura walks in, with Shiro and Coran. They seem to be discussing something, maybe about Lotor. They sit down, and Hunk brings in the food.

Today, it's tacos and a stew of sorts. He goes out of the room, and brings in another plate of food and a large jug. "Tuck in, there's also some drink here" he says, putting the jug down, "got you something different, I hope you enjoy" he says, giving me the plate.

On it, there's a piece of rare cooked meat, and some whipped cream. I prod the meat with the knife I've been given and a small amount of blood comes out.

I look at everyone else, and see how they're chatting happily whilst eating. I sigh and cut into my meat. I don't even care what it is, but it'll stop me being hungry.

~~ This chapter's a little shorter, expect a longer chapter next. Anyways, do you like this? I see your reads, but I notice you don't tend to vote on my chapters. I don't mind, but please share it with your friends. I try to update as often as possible, so do comment your views!~~ LostFirestar ✨💞✨

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