Be Careful What You Wish For

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Skaye's POV, one week after the recovery of the gem

I'm starting to lose hope of being rescued. I look at my hands, covered in shards of crystal, from draining the quintessence. I wipe them off, and put on a pair of gloves. Black and blue seems to suit me quite well.

I have made a couple of allies abord Lotor's ship. One is Acxa, the other is the chameleon girl Ezor. Axca has taught me new fighting techniques, and Ezor has taught me how to be super stealthy.

Both of those skills will come in handy. I've managed to repair my comms, it took a long time, but I could communicate with my team. The withdrawal of energy makes it so I have to go into stasis for a couple of days to recover. Maybe on the next mission, I just won't come back.

I could send a ping on the next planet, and perhaps cloak it so Lotor won't find out.

A knock on my door startles me, and I jump up to open it. Axca stands there with a tablet describing my next mission. To collect pure quintessence, from a great source of energy. From Voltron himself.

I nod in thanks to Axca, and shut the door. I can't do that, I'm not a traitor. I can't take out the only source of energy my team has.

In the description, it says to sneak abord the ship, and collect directly from the lions. A set of coordinates are at the bottom, and next to that it says 'set off immediately'. I take it with me and suit up, grabbing everything I need.

My weapons fit in my pouch, and I pick up a small electrical blaster I found. I slot that in the pouch too, and get in my pod. Using my comms,I send a ping to the team, and cloak it from Lotor.

A voice comes through my comm. "Hello?" It says. It sounds a little like Allura. "Uh hi... Yeah I'm coming to the castle, can you track me?" I ask, and I hear a gasp at the other end. "Skaye?" They exclaim, and I hear excitement through the comm.

"Aha yeah... It's been a while guys... But I need to explain a lot. Aah I got to go, see you!" I cut the signal as information from Lotor pops up on the spots I'll need to get the quintessence from.

I grab the gem which had the dark quintessence in, and see that it has started to regenerate. The gem is no longer cracked, it's back to normal and is gathering darkness inside. I put it away.

I'll be home soon. I'll finally be back...
I laugh, and I feel my eyes begin to well up with happiness. I'll be home...

Keith's POV

"How do we know that that was Nightshade?" Lance asks, and gets glared at by everyone. "What, I'm just saying, what if it's a Galra?"

"Shut up Lance, we have a task. Where  abouts is the signal?" I ask Coran, who's typing away at the large keyboard. "I've set our trackers to that signal, let's just hope she's not being followed. Suit up just in case" he says, looking up. He twirls his moustache. "At the speed she's going, she'll be here soon. In about a varga? Unless she speeds up."

"Paladins, get to your lions. Go and get Skaye" Allura says enthusiastically, and waves us out. I make my way down to the hangar, and into Red. I look out at the purple lion, she seems so lifeless, just sat there waiting.

I shake my head. We need to go. I make Red fly out of the hangar, and I join the others. "Let's go, I have the coordinates" Shiro announces, and starts flying away from us.

Time skip, about thirty minutes

Keith's POV
We go to the coordinates, and see a little pod. The black and purple wings flip over as the ship reverses. "Hey" a voice patches in to our comms. "Skaye!" I exclaim, "come on, let's go"

We shepherd her to the castle, the lions surrounding the small pod. She flies in the dock and we go to our hangars.

Skaye's POV

I can barely hold in my excitement. Im finally back at the castle, my home. I park my pod with the others, and go up to see my team again. I see them all walking down to the pod bay, and I run up to them.

I trip and nearly fall over, but am caught by Shiro. "Sorry" I say, regaining my balance. "No, we're sorry, for not finding you sooner" Allura says, hugging me. Shiro and Keith join in, Pidge and Hunk also. Lance is the last one to join in.

Everyone else lets go, except Keith. He backs of after a while. "Uh sorry... I just really missed you" he says awkwardly, walking back a little. "We all did man, you're not alone" Lance says, patting him on the shoulder.

I rub my arm awkwardly. "Um, I've gotta disable the trackers. Can you help, there's one in my suit, and one in my pod. My bayard and armour need fixing too. But I need to also tell you what Lotor could be planning. Jeez, I have a lot to do" I explain, listing them off.

"I'll get Coran to check your bayard and armour. Pidge, can you sort out the pod?" Allura says, pulling my arm and we go into one of the side rooms.

The rest of the team except Pidge come in too. Keith sits next to me on one side, Allura on the other. I lean back and look at the ceiling. "Lotor has been making me collect crystals that contain pure quintessence. He then tasked me with getting the quintessence from the lions. I don't know why, but he really wants it. And I came back with something weird. It's this crystal"

I show them the crystal, and explain how it's regenerated the darkness. Allura gasps, watching the dark cloud in the center come out of the top of the crystal, and settle in my hand. "Yeah, it does that. I seem to extract the quintessence from the crystals, then it imprints on me. Watch this" I say, flicking the cloud away.

I raise my hand and it turns into a purple flame and shows what the crystal has experienced. As they watch, I close my eyes and smile.

It's been a long time since I was here, almost two weeks. Unless I was in stasis longer. I open my eyes and throw the crystal at the flame, trapping it. It twists once inside and becomes liquid quintessence once more.

~~I wrote one and a half chapters in one day, I'm so proud of myself. Funny story:  I was trying to get something from under my bed, then I knelt down on the floor, not checking the floor. I move my foot, and feel a shooting pain in it. I stupidly rub my foot, then I find a bee on the floor. I took the stinger out, but now my foot has swollen quite bad. It hurts so much, and I can't walk properly.

Thanks for reading this so far, I've got another chapter's worth of temporary inspiration, so I'll write another. Thanks~~ LostFirestar 🌟❤️🌟

Word count: 1234 words :3

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