Dreams Don't Come True

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Yo here's something for you:
If you agree with the hc about male Alteans having blue marks, and female Alteans have pink marks, you've seen Romelle. Possibly trans? She has blue marks. But! What about Honerva? (Don't judge the spelling) she has RED Altean marks. Why? Romelle has blue, which could suggest that she is indeed transgender, or it could be due to the quantum abyss. In the quantum abyss, there was an Altean ship. That is how Romelle was found, in the ship, similar to Alfor's AI chamber. This was a forest, and Romelle was found by a river there. She could indeed be transgender, although what if the quintessence in the abyss changed her marks? (Just a conspiracy). Yet, back to Honerva. She has red marks, as you've seen if you've watched season six. Haggar/ Honerva has red Altean marks, and I would like to believe that this is due to being from another reality. However, what is it indicates some sort of status? In one episode of s3 or s4 I believe, where those Alteans were found with the comet in the other reality, they still had pink marks for females, and blue marks for males. Can someone explain where red marks come from please?

The next morning, Skaye's POV

When I wake up, my thoughts go back to yesterday. Where did I put my jacket? Oh right, it's in the pod...

I'll get it later. I get up and brush my hair, then put on my regular clothes. As I walk outside, I'm greeted by Pidge walking to the kitchen. "Hey" she says.

"Hi" I reply, and we awkwardly walk to the kitchen. There are plates laid out, and it's just the food good for breakfast. I sit down and eat mine quickly, wanting to get out as fast as possible.

As I finish, the rest of the team come in, with Allura and Coran. "Good morning" Allura says, and sits down. I return the comment and stand. "I'm going to train." I say, and walk out.

As I go through the door, I sneak a look back in, and spot them staring at me in surprise. Nothing personal, I'm just not in the mood to socialise.

I walk to the training room and begin the hand to hand combat level one. As the robot drops from the ceiling, I ready myself in a good position to fight.

Keith's POV

As Allura announces that we can have the day to ourselves, I leave the remainder of my breakfast and go to the training room.

When I walk in, Skaye ends the training sequence she was on. She turns in my direction and shakes her bruised hands, and sighs.

I watch as the bruises slowly fade and I walk over. "Hi" I say, and she looks at me like I just said I was a horse. "What?" I say, feeling my cheeks heating up.

"Nothing... What're you doing?" She asks, not giving anything away. "I was going to train, we've got the day to ourselves unless something comes up" I reply.

"Go on then. I'll watch unless you wanna battle?" She says, sure of herself, like she knows she'll win if I take her on. I smirk and grab my bayard. "Let's fight then"

She grabs hers, and a flash of purple-pink light blinds us as it transforms into a new weapon. Two miniature broadswords attached by a chain materialise in her hand.

She swings them, keeping the chain in front of her. I watch her eyes widen and she readies her stance. "Nice weapon" I tease, and she narrows her eyes.

She lunges at me, and I block her swords, but she kicks me. I stumble backwards, and swing forwards.

She dodges, and our blades clash a few more times before one of her swords is flatly pressed against my back. I drop my bayard, and the sword clatters on the floor.

She lets go, and I quickly grab my sword. I twist around before she can react, and swing at her repeatedly. She is already tired, but she doesn't let it show. Eventually, she is pressed against the wall, and she struggles to fight me off.

She drops her bayard, and it disintegrates. "Yeah, I can't be bothered to do this anymore" she yawns, and I let her free.

"I'm going to train. Watch if you want, but you can go" I say, and she slumps on the floor, hugging her knees. I guess she's staying.

Skaye's POV

I guess I've lost my touch in battle. I watch Keith as he starts up a new training sequence, and three robots fall down. Each one has a different weapon, and two are offensive, one is defensive.

He takes down the defensive bot easily, turning it's weapon against it. The other two attack him, and he carefully times his attacks. The robot with a sword charges at Keith, using the distance to it's advantage.

The door hisses open, and Keith impales the sword bot. Someone walks in, distracting him, and the other robot pins him to the wall.

"End training sequence" he calls out weakly. I smirk. Well, he can't exactly fight either. I look at whoever walked in. "Hey Shiro" I call from where I'm sitting.

I lay my legs out in front of me, and Keith catches his breath. Shiro walks over to us. I don't get any acknowledgement. "We've found one of Lotor's supply routes. I'm hoping that we can take it out." He says to Keith.

I stand up. "What is it actually supplying? That depends on how easy it is to destroy" I ask. Shiro brings up a hologram. "Pure quintessence. Extracted from three planets, this small amount can cause the Galra Empire to take back half of the liberated planets." He explains.

I examine the picture on the screen. A small vat of blue liquid twists around. Small flares come off it. It only fills half of a quarantine container.

"We strike the route in three days time. The Blade of Marmora is already trying to take back the planet." Shiro continues. Keith's face twists into anger.

I leave the room, and head to my own. I lock the door as I enter, making sure no-one can follow me. I pick up my sketches and notes, and put them in the bin. There's no point in keeping them.

I switch the light off, and no light enters. I lay down on the floor, breathing unsteadily. With this quintessence raid, something will go wrong.

I can already sense it, and we're two days out of orbit of the planet it's on. It's very powerful. If the Galra used it for an experiment, it would end up being very bad. Horrific, even.

Galra specimens with injected quintessence are capable of destroying worlds, what if it infected Voltron? What if it infected the team?

I clear my mind of these thoughts, and close my eyes. Something rocks the ship, and alarms begin to blare. My eyes open, and I leap up.

I open the door, and the lights flash. Something has struck the ship. But what?

~~Haha sorry about not updating for months. It's summer break now, so I'll be writing a little more. I haven't got much inspiration, and tbh I don't remember writing half of these chapters 😸 ~~LostFirestar ✨💞✨

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