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Skaye's POV

I watch the crowd moving around, and Lance totters away. How he's still standing up I don't know. "Is he ok?" Shiro asks.

I shake my head. "It's the juice. He put alcohol in it and he's had a few cups. He'll feel horrible in the morning" I say, turning back to Keith. "This has been quite the night, I've never been happier" I say quietly.

I hear a click and see Pidge scuttle off with a camera. She's also not going to feel too good in the morning. A peice of fruit on a stick comes flying out of the crowd, followed by Hunk. "That's mine" he shouts, and grabs it.

I laugh and he looks at us, surprised. "I'm going to find Pidge" Shiro announces, and Hunk walks off, with his fruit. I take Keith's hand and drag him past the small Tarainions.

We run until we reach the edge of the large hall, closest to the open doors. "Where are we going?" Keith asks, but I shush him. It's a surprise.

I look around, making sure no-one is watching, and press one of the panels into the wall. It opens up, revealing a chute. "Come on! Or are you too scared?" I tease, jumping in.

I hear him follow me, then the panel closes. After a while, we land with a thud in the pod bay. "Get in my pod, I wanna show you something, but we have to fly there" I say, unclamping the pod's wings.

He gets in, and I jump in the pilot's chair. I launch the pod, and it flies outside. I twist the pod around, and fly it through water-mist. I dip one wing in the lake below, and it sprays up to create a rainbow.

I look around. "There" I say to myself, steering the pod in the direction of a flat area, next to a small cave. We land and I climb on top of the roof, past the silver window.

"Wow... This is amazing" Keith says, joining me. I nod. It really is, overlooking the lake, with remnants of the vapour rainbow above. The moon shines a bright white above us, causing us both to be bathed in a silver light.

Keith's POV

I start getting a little nervous, and I don't know why. The scenery is beautiful, like the girl who sits in front of me. "You know, I used to always be so tired, because I would stay up all night, just to look at the moon shining."

"The nights the moon didn't shine often resulted in nightmares. In both reality and dreams. That's why I seem more energized at night" she says, lying back to watch the stars. Her head comes to rest at my feet.

I slide down to her level, and brush her hair out of her face. "Can we agree on one thing? That there's no secrets between us" I ask, and she nods. "Yeah..."

"Well, I'm half Galra. That's why I have this knife" I say, showing her my blade. "I'm part of the Blade of Marmora, that's what this symbol means"

"I used to have one of those. But it was taken by a Galra guard" she says, closing her eyes. "And I do have Altean marks, but they're not normal." She wipes the bottom of her eyes to reveal two black triangles, similar to Allura and Coran's.

"You're still beautiful. Nothing's changed" I say, taking her hand. She smiles and opens her eyes. "Thanks, I was always called a freak so I just covered them up."

"Should we get back? The other might start to get ideas..." I ask, helping her sit up. "Whatever, they can think what they like. I don't care... But we should go back. I don't wanna miss Lance doing something really stupid" she replies, getting back in the pod. I join her.

                       Time skip

Skaye's POV

I go back to the party, and see that most of the paladins are dancing, except Hunk, me and Keith. Lance found a Tarainion to dance with, and Shiro is dancing with Pidge, and Allura with the leader of the Tarainions.

"I'd rather not go down there" I say, turning away. "Me neither" Keith says, but stops me. "But shall we dance?"

I laugh as he drags me down to the dance floor. "Oh no, no, no! Keith, stop!" I cry as we stop in the middle of the floor. He intertwines his fingers with mine, and puts one hand on my waist.

I awkwardly put my hand on his shoulder, and we sway to the music. "Uh, I can't dance" I state, feeling myself getting more withdrawn. "I kinda can" he says, twirling me around and pulling me closer.

I hear another click, and another, and see Pidge with her camera. "You will not keep that camera" I growl at her, then divert my attention back to Keith. Or rather, most of my attention.

As we keep on dancing, I see Keith blush. "Sooo....." He says, as the music ends and we stop. I spot Pidge out of the corner of my eye. "Yeah, I'm gonna go kill that camera" I say, and let go of him.

"There's no point, she has more than one" he says, pulling me back. I sigh. I guess so, I'll talk with her in the morning. 'Or you could sneak into her room and take it' Sayuri says. 'I guess that's one way to do it' I reply.

"Mhm, I suppose... I'm gonna try to sleep, I probably won't though" I say, and I start walking to the rooms. I don't hear anything behind me, but someone taps me on the back. I turn around, no-one is there. And again.

Who is it? They tap me again, and I grab their fingers and twist around. "Ow, ow, ok I'm sorry" Lance says, and I let go of his fingers. "You need to sleep. Shoo, back to your room" I say, pushing him away.

"Where's lovey dovey Mullet?" He asks, and I shake my head. "At the party, now bye" I reply and walk into my room. It's been a great night, it almost reminds me of when I was much younger, when we all used to play tricks on each other around the city.

I lay on my bed, and think about everything. "Thanks, Keith" I say, and turn off the light.

~~Poof hello. I'm happy with how that turned out, and I'm now slightly less socially awkward when writing. If you're still reading this, I would like to hope you think it's good. Thanks for reading~~ LostFirestar 🌟❤️🌟

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