Is Something Happening

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The training room, Skaye's POV

I watch the others slowly fall. Lance shoots at the drones, he takes a couple out, however he gets shot in the back. He yelps in shock and pain as he falls through the floor.

Shiro is next. He grabs a drone and crushes it, only to be shot in the head... Ouch. He grunts, then it is only me and Keith left.

He slices upwards, hitting several drones. "Increasing intensity" announces Coran, much to my displeasement. Aren't they bad enough?

The drones whirr faster and faster around us, there are only about ten left, but it would be almost impossible to hit them. I grab my bayard, and it forms a katana. With one dagger in my left hand, and katana in the other, I spin around at a high speed, katana raised, hitting the drones. One fires at me, but I have a plan for that.

I deflect the shot with my dagger, then throw it at the drone, aim deadly precise. It pins it to the wall, and I suddenly get a wave of fatigue come over me, causing me to fall on to my knees in a 'w' shape.

Keith runs over to me, his shield is beginning to deteriorate. I materialise my shield, protecting us both. "One more hit and I'm unprotected" Keith shouts to me. I stand up, nod and look at the last pair of drones.

They are flying at such a high speed, they're impossible to see, but I still slash at the circle with my katana. Keith gets what I'm doing and copies with his sword.

I hear a yelp behind me, that must be Keith. Don't look back, just protect yourself. Don't look back. You can beat these Altean drones.

As the thought echoes around my head, the word Altean triggers something in my mind. My eyes narrow, and I become more focused on the task at hand. One of the drones fires at my back, I jump forward and slice the other down.

I've got this. I've never been so sure.

Allura's POV

As the paladins come in the small control room, I watch Skaye with interest. She seems to be fighting a lot more fiercely than before. Coran comes over. "I'm impressed with her skill. I don't believe anyone has ever gotten that far at that level." He says to me, typing on the drone's control board.

It stops and multiple lasers fire out of it. She laughs and runs at an astounding speed around the blasts, katana raised. The drone flies towards her, firing about ten lasers in her direction. She blocks most of them with her shield, then drops the shield.

The last blast is deflected off her blade, right at the drone, destroying it. She smiles and takes her helmet off, black hair trailing down her shoulders. "Well done Skaye. I think you are the only one to completely destroy the drones when doing this exercise, team or none" I announce.

She puts her thumb up and goes to get her dagger out of the wall. I wonder where she got them? Oh well, it's just another question to ask.

Keith's POV

I rub the back of my neck, where I was shot, and go to congratulate Skaye. I open the side door and start to walk through, only for a dagger to narrowly miss my head. It lands in the wall to the left of me. "Ok, what's wrong?" I ask, yanking the dagger out of the wall and walking to her.

Her gaze softens, and she takes back the dagger. "Ha sorry... And I'm fine. No need to worry, I just thought you were a drone" she says to me, sheathing it and putting it back in her pocket.

"Look at me." I say firmly, noticing she's looking at everything else but me. She follows my order and looks up. "Your eye..." I whisper. One of her eyes has gone pure black.

"I-its nothing. I'm fine." She replies, seeming nervous. "What happened in that fight? And where did you get the daggers from?" Allura asks, coming towards us. I look in her direction to see Lance looking worried. Hmm... I wonder what's wrong.

She explains where we got the daggers. "Interesting... Now the fight. What happened?" Allura asks softly. Why, what happened in the fight? I stay where I am to find out what happened.

Skaye looks at me, almost seeming to be in distress. She turns back to Allura, not looking at her directly though. "I don't know. After everyone else got out, I kind of snapped. I got better at concentrating. I was able to plan propely as well... But something else happened too." She explains, showing Allura her eye. "Why is your eye pure black?" Allura questions, a look of nervousness on her face.

"I don't know, ok?! I just said that! You would think that you would listen to me!" She yells, throwing her arms up. She suddenly falls after her outburst, unconscious. I instantly crouch down to her level. What happened?

Skaye's POV, Unknown place

I look around and see a mirror of sorts. That's all there is in this black surrounding. Just a mirror. I walk over to it unsteadily.

When I look in it I don't see myself. I see someone with black eyes with a green pupil, a simple dot in the eye. I touch the surface of the mirror, and it shatters, releasing an ear piercing scream that echoes around the space, getting louder and louder.

A figure appears in the distance, an aura around them. They look like me... But different. I blink and they appear next to me. "Hello there Skaye. Or should I say Nightshade. Do you still go by that stupid nickname? Do you even recognize me for that matter?" They laugh. "Oh smile. Get used to me. I share your mind. And your body."

I glare at them and look at them closer. "Oh, trying to figure out what I am? Well, Skaye. The name's Sayuri. Recognise it?" I gasp. "Yes, I was your sister. But you didn't protect me did you? All you are is a failure! You don't belong!" She snarls at me. Wait, what does she mean was? Isn't she still a vampire?

Wait, all of the vampires except me are dead. That means... She can't be. No, not my sister. She smiles evilly. "Yes, Skaye. I am a demon. Your demon."

~~Hehe cliffhanger. Again, thanks for reading, and please do point out any mistakes. Wattpad keeps f*cking up and deleting my chapters, so I keep having to re-write or restore it and write extra ._.
Not impressed rn, they need to fix this issue.
Anyways, thanks for reading again~~ LostFirestar 🌟❤️🌟

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