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On the training deck, minutes later

Shiro comes up to us with Pidge. So that's where she went. "I videoed the fight." She says to us, "I showed Shiro."
"You both fought quite well. Nightshade, I'm impressed. I didn't know you could fight that well" I smile a little at the praise, "and Keith. You fought well too, although you were sloppy. You didn't fight as well as you could've. Why?" I see Keith's face twist in confusion, then anger. "I was not sloppy! If anything, she was! I fought very well, thank you very much!" He yells at Shiro. I back off, knowing it wasn't going to end well.

Pidge does the same. "So... You did fight pretty well. Almost better than Keith.  And he's good. Well, he did beat you." I look at her.
"Yeah... He won't next time." I say, walking down the corridor to my room.

Keith's POV

I'm not sure if Skaye's ok. She doesn't seem too happy about what I said. I don't know why I yelled like that. Shiro glares at me. "Are you listening?!" He exclaims. I put my hands in my pockets and walk away. "I'll talk later, ok?!" I reply in the same tone.

I walk off, annoyed. Pidge goes to say something to me, but stops. I stop outside my room, then look over to Skaye's. Should I go and check on her? I could just be worrying over nothing.

I go to her door and knock. "Can I come in?" I ask.
"Fine" I hear her sigh from inside. I open the door and go in. She's lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling. "What do you want?" She asks, exasperated. "Just wanted to check if you're ok" I reply, sitting on the floor below the bed.

Skaye's POV

I watch him sit next to the bed. "Look, Keith, I'm fine. What do you actually want?" I ask. He leans back a bit.
"Sorry for the outburst before. I didn't mean it, you did really well. You did almost beat me."

His hair falls backwards and he sighs. I roll over and put his hair back in place. He laughs softly. "Are you sure you're ok?"
"Well obviously" I reply, sitting up, "any ideas on when we're gonna find my lion?" He shrugs. Hmm...
"Well Allura said this morning in the briefing, I've got to help you find it when we get to the possible planets it could be on." He explains it, but I still sigh. He doesn't sound too happy.

I slide down the side of the bed and sit next to him. He yawns. "Hey, yawns spread you know" I say, starting to yawn too. I reach under the bed. "I have snacks. Want some?" Due to being a hybrid, I can eat regular food, but the vampire part of me requires blood. Luckily, the food I eat is normally blood infused, so it's fine.

He picks out a sandwich I made with Hunk and I take a herby bar. We sit in silence for a while, as I wait for him to finish. "Wow, did you make that?" He asks. I nod. I yawn again and lean on his shoulder. "Tired?" He asks.
"Mhm" I reply.

I hear a knock on the door. "Nightshade, have you seen Keith?" Someone asks. I think it's Shiro. "Yeah, he's in here" I say, "go, he wants you." Keith groans.
"Fine. I'll see you tomorrow."

Keith leaves and I am alone once more. Well, nothing changes. I wonder why I leant on his shoulder. Hmm... Curious. I sit in his space for a while. It's still warm, and still carries his scent...

That's a bit too far. What's going on with me today? Ugh, maybe I'll sleep it off. I lie back on the bed and eventually allow sleep to overtake me.

Shiro's POV

"Keith, are you ok?" Is the first question I ask the impatient boy in front of me. "And what was with that outburst earlier?"
"I'm fine, alright?! Ugh, will you just leave me alone!" He exclaims, throwing his arms up.

"Fine then. We'll talk tomorrow." I say in a firm tone and go to look for Lance. What could be bothering him so much? I hope Lance can talk to him.

I turn around quickly to see Keith sigh, then go to knock on Nighshade's door. He hesitates, and I hear footsteps walking off. I wonder what's bothering him.

I can't help but wonder when we'll find Nightshade's lion. I go to the control room and sit down, thinking. Allura greets me. "We'll be reaching the first planet of three soon. Can you go and get Nightshade?" She asks. I nod. "Sure".

Later on, Skaye's room

I wake up suddenly. Something stirs in the back of my mind. I try to push it out. I hear a knock on the door. "Allura wants you in the control room" Shiro says. "Tell her I'll be there soon" I reply, getting up from my bed and going to my mirror. I grab my jacket off the chair, then I pick up a hair brush and try to straighten my hair.

I eventually manage to tame it and go out to the corridor. I almost straight away bump into Lance and Hunk, coming from the kitchen. "Hey, are you going to the control room too?" I ask them. Hunk nods and carries on. "Yeah, we're at one of the planets your lion could be on" Lance replies and catches up with Hunk.

I smile. I'm finally going to get my lion. Maybe that's what I felt before... I don't know. I put my jacket on and put my hands in my pockets. I reach the control room doors, when my head starts to hurt. I shrug it off and go inside.

"Ah, Nightshade, there you are. This is planet Virona, uninhabitable due to a meteor strike that destroyed it. As you probably already know, you will go with Keith to find it. Shiro and Pidge will go too. Hopefully you'll find your lion" Allura announces, "go and grab your armour, and go to your hangars. Good luck paladins"

Abord the red lion

"I don't think this was made for multiple people" I say quietly, standing behind Keith's chair. He takes us down to the planet. "Yeah, probably not" he replies

He heard me? Oh right the helmets have comms installed. My headache gets worse as we land. I try to ignore it, putting on my helmet.

We exit the lion, to see craters and mineshafts everywhere on the surface of the planet. I feel nauseous and kneel down. "It's down. Underground. Come on" I say, trying to get up.

Keith helps me up, then we jetpack to the nearest mineshaft. I look at Keith and he nods, jumping down, using his jetpack. I do the same, going where he goes.

We land after a few minutes and I collapse on the floor. It's too strong. I try to get Keith's attention, but he starts walking town the tunnel leading away. "Dammit you blockhead" I say to myself. "Keith!" I cry out with the last of my strength and I see black.

Keith's POV

I hear Skaye shout me. What's happened now? I turn around to see her splayed out on the floor. What's wrong?

I go over to her. She's unconscious. What caused this? I feel fine... Is it maybe her lion? I hope she's ok. "Pidge, Shiro, we've got a problem with Skaye. Come quickly" I say in my comm. They respond and I try to wake Skaye up. "Oh come on, wake up!" I say, shaking her.

She refuses to wake up. I wonder what's going on.

~~thanks for reading. I know it's bad so far, but if you help me it'll get better!~~ LostFirestar

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