Is It The Truth?

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Skaye's POV

I listen to Keith fall asleep. What doesn't he want anyone to know? 'Check it and see' Sayuri says, I shake my head, careful not to wake him.

I can't, if I did I would be hated. I don't want that. Maybe I'll ask... Yeah. Tomorrow. For now I'll just go and train.

I wriggle out of the covers, pushing them all to Keith. He hugs them tightly. I stifle a laugh and sneak out. The lights are off in the corridors, it does seem awfully late.

I go to the training deck as quietly as I can, boots clicking every so often on the floor. As I enter the room, the lights switch on automatically.

I reach for my bayard and curse when I realise I left it in Keith's room. "Mahr te" I mutter under my breath. (Rough translation to damn it). I go to the training weapons rack and grab a katana. "Start training level one" I shout at the machine. A gladiator falls from the ceiling, and sets it's focus on me.

I ready my weapon, in a defensive position. It charges at me and raises it's weapon, a sword like Keith's. "Ha, I've got this!" I shout and start the fight.

Lance's POV (cos we haven't seen much of this bean recently)

I sigh and sit up in bed. I feel really uneasy, but I don't know why. Maybe a midnight snack will help. I go to my bathroom and peel off my facemask.

I throw my hoodie over my shoulders, and put my trainers on. I wonder if there's a sandwich in the fridge...

I set off towards the kitchen, head down. I hear blades clashing as I walk past the training deck, and see the lights are on. I go to investigate, it's the only light I can find anyway.

I open the door just as I see Nightshade start a new training sequence. Three robots fall from the ceiling, each carrying a different weapon.

How she's able to fight that well with an injury like the one she has is amazing. She twists around the staff of the closest bot and slices its weapon in half. It kicks at her, but being smaller, she has an advantage. She stabs it's leg, causing it to dissolve.

The other two raise their weapons, a whip and a blaster like mine. The second bot shoots at her, but she ducks below and goes for the first one as it launches it's whip. She slices the whip in half, and grabs hold.

The other bot shoots, the shot aiming directly for her. She lets go of the whip and the shot hits the first bot. She throws her katana in a spin at the gladiator with the blaster, and it hits it square in the chest.

It dissolves, and she retrieves the weapon, putting it back on the rack.
I clap, amazed at her performance. She jumps. "Lance! When did you come in here?!" She exclaims, walking over from the weapon rack.

"Uh, at the start of the fight. What are you doing here?" I fire back at her.
She points at where the robot used to be. "Training, duh"

I nod. I wonder why she's training so late. She seems to notice me thinking, and snaps her fingers. "What are you doing up this late?"

I shrug. "Midnight snack?" She snorts. "I don't think so, the kitchen's locked overnight. Hunk keeps the food fresh."

I put my hands in my pockets awkwardly. I don't know what else to say. "Why are you up this late? You could train tomorrow"

"That's funny. Ha ha. Well, I fight much better at night. I don't know why, I would guess it's my Galran genes." She replies. "Anyways, I'm going to my room. Goodnight"

She walks off, and I consider my options. Do I see if I could get into the kitchen? Or do I go back to bed? Eh, I think I'll sleep.

I switch off the lights and go down the corridor, not realising how dark it actually is. I spot the doors, and walk into my room.

Maybe I'll have a lie-in. I doubt it though...

Skaye's POV

My alarm wakes me up. 8am. "Shut up you stupid drone!" I shout, sitting up as it quietens. ~~ Aha writer's block is great when all you are able to possibly do is write. :/~~

My thoughts travel back to yesterday, with Keith's journal. I change my clothes and get on my jacket, ready to get food. I look for my daggers, they should be on the table.

All I see is a piece of paper with scrawled writing on it. I think it reads "GoT yOur BaYArd tOo, CoLLecT iT aT breAkfaST". I crumple it up and put it in my pocket, heading to the dining room.

There is a plate laid out with food on it, with my weapons to the side. I sit down and tuck in, I skipped dinner last night. I wonder where everyone is as I eat, putting my bayard in it's pouch and my daggers in my jacket pockets.

'Maybe they abandoned you' Sayuri says to me, trying to make me upset. 'No, why would they give me my weapons? And food?' I fire back, keeping her quiet.

I finish and get up. I reckon they'll be in the control room. I head off, ignoring the scuffling behind me as the mice look for scraps.

Suddenly, the castle shakes and tips, causing me to fall and slide into the wall on my left. That's where they are. Fighting without me.

I curse and head to the hangar as fast as I can.

I eventually get to my lion, but the hangar doors don't open. Oh well, I'll push them then. I smirk as I force the doors open, flying out into the open space.

"Need some help?!" I shout into the comms, seeing the paladins fighting off a Galran fleet. "Yes!" Comes the response from Shiro, followed by static as I watch him get hit by the ion cannon.

I fly over and help him out. All of the ships aim at me as I take out some of the fighters. The cargo fleets seem to combine their weapons, causing a huge beam of energy heading straight for me.

I gasp, and attempt to move, but get caught. "No, no no!" I yell in pain as Purple's systems go offline and I black out, floating in zero gravity.

Shiro's POV

Skaye's lion powers down and I hear the paladins yelling down the comms. "Shiro! What are we going to do? Even with the castle, we're outnumbered!" Keith shouts, melting the fighters that go near the seemingly dead purple lion.

"We can only do one thing- FORM VOLTRON!"

~~that twisted quite a lot. I know it's terrible so far, it probably won't improve until my inspiration comes back. Just so you all know, this is an AU where Zarkon has already been defeated. They are yet to discover Lotor, and my story will run much differently to the original. Thanks for reading! ~~ LostFirestar 🌟❤️🌟

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