Prisoner Again

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Skaye's POV, five days later

I am kicked awake, a Galra wearing a hood above me. I expect I have been kept in a kind of stasis, however I haven't healed at all. A cat jumps on their shoulder, and hisses at me. Another Galra appears next to them, with blue hair and skin. She pulls me up. "Lotor wishes to see you" she growls, pushing me down the dark blue corridor, towards a large room.

We go into the room, and she forces me to kneel. I keep my head down, not wanting to look up. "Hello there, I believe your name is Skaye" a smooth voice says, and I look up at them.

They look like a Galra, but they have Altean markings and white hair. "I'm Lotor, the next ruler of the Galra Empire. Axca, let her stand" he says to the one holding me in place.

I stand up, and he smiles a thin smile. "You may leave" he says to his soldiers, "I'm a lot more lenient than them. Now, you'll be staying here a very long while. I need you to help track quintessence, a pure form of energy, and what Voltron gets his powers from. You'll be treated as a guest, not a prisoner." He explains, taking off my handcuffs.

I instantly reach for my weapons, to find my bayard has been taken. I still have my daggers however. I walk away a little, unsheathing my daggers in my pocket. I hook them into my sleeve, for later.

"Where's my armour and bayard?" I ask fiercely. "In the armory. But you can't have them yet, they're damaged quite bad" comes the reply as the prince sits down again, facing the screens.

I shiver, it's cold without my jacket, even if I have a long sleeved top on. I turn to leave, and try to map out the different rooms I pass on my way to my 'new' room.

The one I take main notice of is the airlock next to a sealed door. I would guess at that room being the armory.

I hope the team's alright. Especially Keith. I wish I had some kind of tracker to use. Without one, they won't find me. But I can activate my comms to send out a signal for them to track.

I just need my armour. Then I can get out of here.

Keith's POV

I wake up, nightmares clouding my dreams. I need to take my mind off the situation, but I can't think of any way to, other than training.

I can't train, due to my injuries. I get up off Skaye's bed and lay everything out as I found it. I look at the clock to find that it's 5am.

I think I'll get a snack from the kitchen. Hopefully Lance isn't there too, he'll ask stupid questions. I walk down the corridor, boots tapping as I walk. I see the kitchen light on, and walk in.

Pidge, Shiro, Lance and Hunk are sat around the table discussing some kind of plan. Shiro looks up and jumps. "Shut the door!" He whispers loudly at me.

I shut it and see what they're doing. "What's going on?" I whisper to them. "We're going to rescue Nightshade" Lance replies, smirking at me. I sigh, already getting fed up.

"How?" I ask, and Pidge shows me a sort of blue print. "That's the ship that Nightshade should be on" she says, pointing to the main ship. I nod, trying to grasp the concept of what we're doing.

She puts it back down and continues the discussion. "As soon as we get a ping, we could enter in multiple ways. We need cloaking devices though, it'll be hard to sneak past the guards." Shiro nods at this.

"Start to fit the devices tomorrow morning." He says.
"I'll help" Hunk chimes in. I finally begin to understand this. "I'll keep the princess busy" Lance says and I smack him. "We don't need to yet. We could just say that it's so we could have the element of surprise on the Galra we'll face" I explain, as Lance tries to hit me. He's too tired, like all of us.

"I'll try to find some way to find the Galran base, with Pidge's help" Shiro says. I nod "I'll get to work learning the layout of the ship. That way, we won't be lost on board." Lance agrees to this too, and grabs a set of blue prints.

We all get what we need and walk out. I grab my blue prints, and turn the light off as I leave. No snack for me then. I let myself drift off to sleep in my room, it's cold, but comfortable.

Skaye's POV

I wake up to the ship shaking. I get up out of the bed, and get dressed into one of the suits that was laid out. It actually suits me.

I get out and nearly walk into Lotor. "Ah, you're awake. There is something special here I want you to collect. It's a kind of gem that contains dark quintessence. I'll send you pictures. You can have your bayard and your armour, but you can't access communications. Send a flare if you're in trouble, I'll send my team down" he says, and turns away.

I go to collect my armour. I need to send a ping of sorts, and hope that my team hear it. I put my armour on, and go into the pod I have been given. I think I'll keep this, it's rather nice.

It has black rotating wings, with a purple underneath. The window is misted silver, and it has plenty of different controls. I set it off, trying to figure out the system.

Lotor's picture pops up on my screen, showing a small blue gem filled with swirling black clouds. It's a triangular shape, and shines black, according to the information I have.

I land on the planet, it's covered in caves and crevices, perhaps from a meteor strike, or something worse. I scan over the area and find a way down into the place I need to be, a deep cave surrounded by other crystals.

I wonder what he wants the crystal for? It seems to be made of a form of quintessence, it could be dangerous.
I wish I could get a message to my team, but my comms are blocked.

Wait, that's my comms, not my long-range scanners. If I can activate them, I'll pinpoint the castle's location. I flick my little blue screen on, and set off a scan of the surrounding solar systems.

A few points pop up, but none are the castle... I sigh and go back to my task, getting down inside the planet to get the crystal. My thoughts travel back to Keith. I hope he's ok...

~~Dammit why is this so bad?! I want to make it a lot better, but school is getting in the way, and it's not helping my writer's block... :/
Can you suggest songs for me to listen to? I need inspiration.
Thanks for reading~~ LostFirestar 🌟❤️🌟

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