A Ball Of Honour

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Keith's POV

I wonder how Skaye is doing. Shiro and I walk down to the control center, and we stand behind the walls on either side.

Shiro signs with his fingers ' I'll go first, you follow'. I nod and hold my sword ready. He jumps out, startling the guards and Sendak. "For a second time? Oh this is going to be fun" the commander growls.

Sendak launches his fist towards Shiro, and lands out in the corridor. I slip past him and take down the guards. I disable the launch sequence, and go over to my unconscious teammates. "Guys, wake up" I whisper, shaking Lance then Allura.

I hear a yell, and Shiro is thrown into me. "Ouch" I say, winded. Shiro rolls over and sits up. I lay there, dazed and unable to move. I hear someone yell. "Hey! Don't you even think about hurting them!" Skaye?

I sit up, and keel over almost straight away, due to a huge pain in my chest. "Who are you? Don't get in my way, you mongrel hybrid!" Sendak yells. I look up and see Skaye, clashing her blade with Sendak's armour.

Shiro leaps at the commander, and I join in. Sentries come in the room, but Shiro takes them out. I swing my blade forward, Sendak catches it and smirks evilly. He picks me up in his robotic hand and throws me at Shiro, who slams into the wall and falls unconscious.

I get up, and throw my sword at him, as he launches his arm at Skaye. It cuts through the bond and he yells. "No, no, no!"

"Your weapon is gone. Your fleet is gone. Leave now, or you won't get a chance. Go!" Skaye yells, raising her blade to the base of his neck. He backs away, grabs his arm and runs. "Next time you will be destroyed!" He shouts.

I see Skaye sigh in relief, and she sits down, shaking. I go over to her. "I have honestly never been so scared" she says, deactivating her bayard and puts it away.

"Luckily no one is too badly hurt, they're only knocked out" I say, sitting next to her and wrapping my arm around her waist. "The castle isn't damaged either, so we're awfully lucky." She replies, hugging me.

Skaye's POV

I laugh. We could've all died. I'm looking forward to that ball later, I imagine it'll be fun. "What's so funny?" Keith asks, confused.

"We could've all died, and yet we're having a ball later. This is kinda ironic" I explain, as Allura wakes up. "Paladins?" She asks, looking at the rest of the team. Pidge wakes next, then Lance.

Hunk rolls over and groans, he must be awake. What about Shiro? I look at where he landed, he's still unconscious. "All of you, get to the infirmary. You all have injuries." Allura says, helping Coran stand.

"Thank you princess" he says, walking out. Pidge brings over a hover stretcher and Lance helps Hunk put Shiro on it.

Keith sighs and lets go of me so we can both stand. We go to the infirmary, following everyone else.

Time skip

Allura's POV

We land on planet Taranion, and I take a pod down to the surface. I'm greeted by the leader. "Hello Princess. It's wonderful to see you" he says, as a few Tarainions come over with a stone box. "I have gotten you a gift for being so generous and visiting us"

He hands me the box, and I open it. A pink, stone bracelet is in the middle, with a blue gem in the top. "Wow, thank you so much!" I exclaim and put the lid on. "I'll wear that at the ball"

He nods. "Let me show you around, but first let's introduce ourselves, I'm Varioak, and you are?" He says.
"I'm princess Allura of Altea" I say, and shake his small hand.

I look at the rest of the people, and they are a similar height to their leader, half of my height. "Come, our village is waiting" he says, waving me to a large building.

Skaye's POV

"Are you sure that Allura said we could use her dresses?" I ask as Pidge looks through the colossal wardrobe. The small girl nods. "Look" she says, showing me a recording.

"Ok..." I reply and look for something that could suit me. I pick out a pretty purple dress. "Dressing to impress your boyfriend?" Pidge teases.
"Hey... But maybe" I reply, laying out another dress.

I look at them. I wonder which would suit me best...? I choose the longer one, with the gloves. It has a long purple trail, and purple gloves. It has a band of red roses trailing down it, until the very bottom.

I pick it up. "Wow, that really suits you! I think I'll have this one. It looks really pretty" Pidge says, holding up a green dress. It's fairly short, and very glittery. It has dark green flower patterns on it, and shines in the light.

"I think that'll really suit you Pidge. Who're you trying to impress?" I tease, closing the door to the dresses. She blushes "no-one..."

I wonder who it is as we walk out, holding our dresses. I go to my room, and I put the dress on my bed. Someone knocks on the door.

I panic and put the dress in my wardrobe, then ask who it is. "It's only Keith" he answers.
"Alright, come in" I say, opening the door. He walks in, holding something behind his back.

"Sit down and close your eyes" he says, shutting the door and turning the light off. What can go wrong?

I sit down on the bed, and I feel something on my head, and something slip around my neck. "Open your eyes" he says, switching the light on and giving me a mirror.

On my head rests a small silver tiara with a deep purple stone in it. Around my neck, I see a necklace with half of a star charm. The star is laced with red through the center, where it says 'alw' and below it says 'toge'. He shows me his wrist, where he has a band below his glove with the other star, laced with light purple, and it completes the message of 'always together'.

I hug him tightly. He hugs me back, and a piece of paper falls off my desk. I let go, and reach down to pick it up, noticing it's an uncompleted drawing if Keith. "I saw this before... When you were gone" he says, taking it from me gently.

I blush. "....." I don't have much of a response, he puts it down and blushes also. "Allura's back" Coran's voice comes through the comms.

"That means the ball will start soon" I realise, and go to get up. Keith stops me. "Uh... I guess I'll see you there." He says, and hugs me.

~~HHhhHHh cheesy. So, the ball starts next. Looking forward to it? I know I am. There's going to be an authors note coming up sometime soon. I don't know when, but I got lots more music, so I'm full of inspiration. Thanks for reading this so far, any tips are appreciated. I can't show the images, I'm so sorry~~ LostFirestar 🌟❤️🌟

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