Trust Issues

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Abord the castle, Skaye's POV

We are greeted by Lance and Allura. Lance drags us all to the dining room, where he says 'we can tell them all about it'. I go reluctantly, daggers in my pocket.

When we finally get to the dining room, Hunk waves at us and Shiro takes his place at the table. Pidge sits next to him, and Lance and Allura sit down too.

I stand in the corner, feeling a little isolated. Keith stands in the doorway, arms crossed, looking lost. I sink to the floor. Allura looks at me. "So, you found your lion. Shall we see what the new Voltron looks like?" She asks enthusiastically.

I groan and sink further into the corner. Lance makes a stupid face. Keith huffs and walks out, while Hunk and Pidge go into the kitchen.
"I'm going to bed. Goodnight" Shiro announces to a nearly empty room.

I nod, stand up then walk to the door. "So am I. Bye" I say bluntly, and watch Allura's face fall. She quickly recovers. "Maybe tomorrow then. Goodnight paladins".

I go down the corridors, my eyes automatically adjust to the dimmer light. I put my hands in my jacket pockets, and the light material cools me down. I think the others get what happened. How my lion was communicating with me mentally, and the voice grew too loud, causing me to pass out. At least that's what I think.

I finally reach my room, I open the door and go inside. The light is switched off, I don't remember doing that. Who did?

I trip over something and land against something... No, someone. They laugh and pull the cord to turn on my light. It switches on and I can who I landed on clearly. "Keith? What are you doing in my room?" I say, not bothering to move.

He helps me sit up, and smiles at me. "I was waiting for you to come in. Sorry about my jacket. That's what you tripped over." Oh, so not creepy at all. Thanks, Keith.

He puts his hands up. "Hey, I was just worried about what happened on that planet. I wanted to know if you're ok" he says in his defence. I sigh and nod.

I sit down next to him and yawn. "It's quite late, I'm going to get some sleep" I say, leaning backward and closing my eyes. I don't understand why Lance says he's not the best person to be around. If anything, I'm worse than Keith.

He's actually nice, when he's not being wound up by Lance. Ugh, I am so sick of them fighting, and it's only been a week.

I eventually fall asleep, thoughts whirring around my head.

Keith's POV

I messed up. I can't believe it. I made it sound like I was being weird. Why do I need to mess thing up?!

She looks peaceful sleeping against the bed. I wonder what she was thinking about. Probably what happened today.

I don't understand why she's so reserved. She doesn't seem to want to talk, and when she almost does, someone ruins it. I sigh and stand up.

The room is cold now, I can't leave her there. She could freeze. I carefully pick her up bridal style and lay her on the bed. I laugh softly and quietly, she looks kinda cute.

She sniffles in her sleep and I put the blankets over her. "Goodnight" I say, leaving the room. ~~A/N, I know this is cheesy af. Sorry~~

The next morning, Lance's POV

I wake up and roll over. My thoughts instantly flash back to yesterday, how we got hold of the purple lion. I hope Nightshade recovered alright.

I wonder what the new Voltron will look like as I get out of bed and go to my mirror. I brush my hair to it's normal perfect state, and get my normal clothes on. I grab my jacket from the end of the bed and look at the clock.

It's half past eight. Oh no... That means there won't be much food left. Unless the others haven't woken up yet. I jump out of the door and run to the kitchen, where I smell Hunk's cooking.

"Hey Hunk, that smells delicious!" I call into the kitchen. "Yeah, I saved you some after the others ate. I think we need to go to the training deck later for an exercise" he replies, sending a floating plate of food over to me. They look like tacos!

I sit down at the empty table and tuck in, looking forward to the day.

Skaye's POV

I wonder if anyone has actually noticed me yet? Every so often I look over at Keith, wondering why he put me to bed. Ugh, I need to stop.

I cross my arms and try to pay attention to the briefing. "...So that's where you come in Skaye." If I know perfect timing, this is it, "you need to fly your lion down to the base, and attack. The Galra don't know about your lion hopefully, so it'll take them by surprise. I'll send you a placement of where to attack exactly when the plan is go...." I zone out again and look at Keith.

Why does he care about me? Ha, if only they knew how dangerous I really am. I hear Allura finish the briefing, so I get my daggers out of my pocket and examine them. Why do they have my initials carved into them?

Who knew I was coming? I start juggling them, but get a forbidding glare off Shiro. I stop and walk out. I hear Pidge snickering as I leave.

I go to the training deck, to be greeted by Lance. "Hey, Nightshade!" He calls me over. "We're practicing one of the drills. Wanna join?" He asks, and gestures to the offline drones around the room. Coran comes in. "Ah, you're doing that exercise? Let me help." He powers up the drones and they fly around the room.

Pidge runs around the corner with an exasperated Keith in tow. Shiro appears from the side door. All of the doors shut and we are locked in. "H-hey!" Hunk cries. We all go for our  bayards as the drones begin to fire at us.

We get our sheilds out, but Pidge is a little too late and gets caught. She falls through the floor. Did Coran set this up? He's not in here anymore, or maybe it was Allura.

I grab one of my daggers. "Cover me!" I yell, and twist around the outside of the circle of drones, destroying some of them.

As a blast comes directly for me, and Hunk blocks it with his sheild, but gets hit and falls through the floor too.

~~So thanks, I'm glad that people actually read this shen. It's terrible, but the longest book I have written. Sorry about it being bad quality~~ LostFirestar 🌟❤️🌟

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