Mixed Feelings

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Allura's POV

I gather Pidge and Skaye into my room, and they show me their dress choices. "I'll allow you to keep those dresses. Don't worry, I have lots more. As you've probably seen." I say to them, and Skaye looks uncertain.

"Where'd you get the necklace?" I ask her, as Pidge fiddles with her hair. "Its a gift" she says, not giving anything away. Pidge snorts. "I bet I know who it's from."

"Well who are you trying to impress?" Skaye asks, teasing the green paladin. I grin. "Oh? Secret lovebirds on the ship?" I tease both of them. Skaye glares at me, blushing, and Pidge looks down.

"Who is it Pidge? Tell me" I say, sitting down on my bed. Skaye crosses her arms. "No one" the green paladin says. "Suuure" Skaye says, sitting next to me.

I laugh and get Pidge to sit too. "I don't have a crush on anyone, ok?!" She exclaims. "Who are you trying to impress? Shiro?" I ask. Pidge jumps. "N-no" she stutters.

"You like Shiro! You like Shiro!" Me and Skaye chant, and Pidge glares at us. "I know who Skaye loves" she says and I see the hybrid next to me blush.

"Pidge. No." She says, standing up.
"Pidge yes" I say, seeing how much it winds up Skaye.

"You love K-" Pidge is silenced by Skaye tackling her against the bed. "I think I heard enough of that. I know who both of you like, I'm not daft" I say, prying the girls apart.

Skaye turns bright red and looks like she wants to kill someone. Hopefully not me. Pidge blushes and falls on the floor. "The Tarainions are in the castle, you two should get your dresses on. I'll see you there" I say.

They go out of the room, and I lock the door. It makes sense, Skaye's perfect for Keith, and Shiro is almost like an older brother to Pidge. I pick out one of my simpler dresses, laced with pink.
~~See image above~~

I change into it, and let my hair flow down my back. I put on the bracelet I was given, and slip on my gloves.

I unlock the door, and both Skaye and Pidge come down the corridor. "I think you two need your hair sorting, don't you?" I say, pulling them in my room again.

Skaye's POV

I sit on the bed as Allura plaits some of my hair, and Pidge looks at what could be done to her hair. "How about you make it wavy, so it looks longer?" I suggest, and Allura finishes the plait.

I look in the mirror, and admire the plait that flows down the right side of my hair. On the left of my hair, where I swept my fringe earlier, I made it wavier and twisted. My hair has grown since I joined this team. I put on my tiara, and look at my necklace.

It shines brightly, reflecting the light over my dress. "Shall we go now girls?" Allura asks, standing up. Pidge has gone with what I suggested, and she's taken off her glasses. "You look lovely Pidge, and so do you Allura" I compliment them.

They return the compliment, and we reach the stairs to the hallway, also used as a ballroom. Allura goes down first, followed by Pidge. I go behind, the trail on my dress floating behind me. The boys' eyes avert to us, and the spotlights follow us down the steps. The leader of the Tarainions greets Allura, and Shiro greets Pidge.

Keith takes my hand at the bottom of the steps. "You look beautiful" he says, taking me to the side of the room. He is still wearing his gloves, but he's changed into a dark red suit. "Says the handsome boy in front of me" I return and I wrap my arms around his neck.

I don't think I've ever seen him so relaxed with other people around. He puts his arms around my waist and I close my eyes. If time would stop now, it would be fine by me.

"Hello there lovebirds" I open my eyes, and see that it's Lance. "Want some of this?" He asks, holding out a cup of pink juice. "It's alcoholic, I may or may not have snook some alcohol in the main supply" he whispers, looking around.

"Uh, no thanks. I might have some later" I reply, and Lance drinks the whole cup. "I've already had three cups of it. Something I wouldn't be allowed to do at home" he sniffs, and walks off.

Well that was odd. Oh well, if that's what alcohol does, I don't want any. I look at Keith. "Hey, come with me" he says, and I follow him to a balcony. The moon has risen to it's peak, and the stars sparkle high up.

I turn to Keith. He looks even cuter when in the moonlight. He looks up at the sky. "You know, when I was younger, I used to wonder if I could ever truly be free. It was all a mystery to me, and I couldn't dream of living without mysteries. And you're the biggest mystery of all, Keith Kogane. And I couldn't live without you" I say to him, and hug him as he turns to me.

"I know why your nickname is Nightshade. Because every time I'm around you, you poison me and make me feel strange. But when you're not there, I need to be with you. You confuse me in so many ways, yet I can't be away from you. So stay with me forever" he says. I lean back and he comes forward.

He kisses me, softly, but passionate. I close my eyes and hug him tighter.

After about a minute, I pull away. "Keith..." I say, and look around. I spot Pidge, Shiro and Lance stood in the doorway, gaping at us.

"So you are together then?" Pidge asks, coming over. "Yeah, we are" Keith replies, seeing I'm still in a little shock.

Lance comes over, then Shiro. "I didn't think Mullet would be the one to get the girl, he's too hot headed" Lance says, making Pidge laugh.

Both me and Keith glare at him. Shiro looks at us, and kind of smiles. "That got awkward fast" Pidge says, walking back a bit.

~~Ack what di d I d o
Halp me pls I feel like I'm in a void cos I saw season four
Eh I think I'll recover (not) ~~ LostFirestar 🌟❤️🌟

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