The Past Rises

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Skaye's POV

"Where have you been?!" I yell at my long lost friend, now a high ranking soldier. ~~This might drag a little. Sorry~~

Xash used to help me out when I got injured, or when I was mistreated badly. She was the only friend I really had in the Galra cell, as the prisoners hated me. She took care of me when she could, as she was just a sentry.  It seems that now, she has made her way up. I wonder how long it took.

I look at her uneasily. "Why are you here?" I ask her, and she looks down at the ground. "It's nothing personal. I'm sorry about your team, but I've been asked to get you. After all, you are a hybrid, and the last of your species."

"I'm on orders from Prince Lotor. The next emperor of the Galra Empire" she explains. By this point, Lance and Shiro had surrounded us. I see Pidge and Hunk waking up Keith.

Xash grabs my arm and puts her visor back on. She kicks Shiro back and drags me down the open corridor, dodging Lance's shots. Hunk joins in and narrowly misses me. Xash takes me to the airlock, where her pod has been waiting.

"Why?" Is the only thing I ask. She shakes her head and pushes me to the pod. I grab my bayard, but my swing is blocked by her blaster handle. "I didn't wanna do this" she says, muffled by her helmet.

I see Lance run around the corner, shooting at Xash. I yelp as I'm shot in the back of the head with an electrical blast. She hits me with the grip of her gun on the back of the neck, and I black out.

Lance's POV

I run at the soldier as they push Nightshade into the pod. I hit them with my gun, but I'm thrown backwards by a strong kick, much like what happened to Keith.

I fire at them from my position, a few hitting, as they jump in the pod. They launch, and I run to the hangar as fast as I can.

I see the black lion come out of the castle and start firing at the smaller ship. The pod docks and the blue and black fighter ship backs off and retreats into hyperspace.

There's no point in chasing them. We'll find them soon enough.

Keith's POV

I see Pidge and Hunk looking upset and worried as I wake up. My head and chest throb in pain, I think that Galra broke a couple of my ribs.

I hear Lance through my comm. "You're not gonna like this. They got Nightshade." I painfully stand up, angry and anxious. We need to find her.

"Woah, woah, woah" Hunk says, "You're injured. You can't help out in that state". I push both of the other paladins away and awkwardly walk down the corridor, using the wall for support. "I don't care! I need to find her"I yell back at them over my shoulder.

I go to my room and carefully sit on the bed, removing my armour. I have a huge bruise up my chest, spreading through my ribcage and to my neck.

I check my back in the mirror, I have bruises and cuts around my lower ribs. I rip an old shirt and wrap it around my chest to cover the bruises.

I get my t-shirt and jacket on carefully, then my trousers and boots. I put my bayard in the largest pouch on my tool belt, in case another intruder comes.

I should go to the medical bay. I need to put something on my injuries.

Pidge's POV

I return my armour to the armory, and leave to try to track the Galra ship. We have to find Nightshade. At least we have the purple lion still.

I set up my equipment in one of the storage rooms, and try to track the signal of the fighters ship. Why didn't Nightshade fight back? Maybe she knew that Galra...

Who wants her? And what for? We need to find her as fast as we can. I imagine Keith's probably having a mental breakdown. He was really badly injured, he needs to heal.

I would hope we can find her quickly. Before she gets any more injured. We're all feeling the loss. I really hope it'll be ok.

I sigh angrily and tilt my head back. My equipment can't pick up any signals at all. All we can do is hope we'll find her.

Allura's POV

"Coran, can you track the signal of the Galra ship?" I ask, tapping my fingers against the controls nervously. He shakes his head. "I'm sorry princess, I don't pick up any nearby signals. The long distance scanners are damaged, so I'll get to work repairing them now" he says, making his way out of the room.

I sigh, and slide down onto the floor. I look out at where the ship disappeared into. How could we let an intruder abord the ship? How could we let them get Skaye?

She was one of our strongest members of the team. I just hope she'll be ok. I hope everyone will be ok.

Keith's POV

I come out of the healing pod and put my jacket back on. My wounds are still painful, but at least nothing's broken now. With nothing else on my mind other than Skaye, I head to her room.

I open the door quietly, secretly wishing she was still here, waiting on her bed. Almost straight away, I nearly fall over one of her jackets. I move it out of the way and sit on the bed.

A few drawings are laid out on her bed, one of some kind of animal, one of a planet of sorts, labelled with 'da veshla', and the final one seems to be a sketch of me, uncompleted.

I pile them up on her desk and lie down on the bed. "Where are you?" I whisper, wishing she could be here. It's going to drive me crazy.

I get overwhelmed with emotions and I can't stop myself as I begin to cry, the tears rolling down my face. Why didn't I help? Why didn't I do more?

"It's all my fault, I'm sorry Skaye" I sob, covering myself in the bedding.

~~Aww poor keefy
I got inspiration from one song in particular, it's This Is Me, from The Greatest Showman. Even I started to get emotional at the end. Sorry about the amount of POV's I had. I know it's too much... Thanks for reading!~~ LostFirestar 🌟❤️🌟

The Lost Paladin (Voltron)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz