Two Different Sides

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Keith's POV

Uh oh, she blacked out. Her bayard falls from her hand and I catch her before she falls. I see her change before my eyes, becoming a demon again.

She wakes up and glares at me. "What-" she doesn't get a word in before I let go of her. "Why? What did Skaye do to you? Just give her back!" I yell and grab my bayard, creating a sword.

I point it at her, watching her stand and pick up Skaye's. She tries to form it, but it refuses. "Hmm, I guess we'll be doing hand to weapon combat. Good luck"

I stand there, confused at her comment. I watch her throw the bayard to the edge of the room. She readies herself and I get my sword ready. She charges, and I swing to the left, in her direction.

At the last minute, she swerves and catches me on the shoulder, a strong hit. She smirks and leaps back. I grimace, and charge for her, swiping in a circular motion.

She flips over me and knocks my helmet, just to annoy me. It works well enough, causing me to turn and clash my blade with her arm. She winces, I hit an unarmored part.

I take the sword away, and it reveals torn fabric and a small yet fairly deep cut. Noticing my distraction, she sweeps her leg under me, causing me to lose my balance.

She kicks my bayard into the air, causing it to dissipate into a handle again. She catches it and punches me in the face, quite hard. That's unfair.

I throw some punches in her direction, two making contact with her neck and her shoulder. As I draw back, she grabs my arm.

She holds me there, looking as if she's considering something. She lets go and throws me my bayard. Why? Did Skaye tell her to?

Sayuri's POV

I walk back a little, allowing him to prepare for my next attack. He swipes forward, using the distance to his advantage. I duck and kick him in the knee, causing him to flinch.

I stand back up, waiting for his next attack, getting bored. He seems to notice and throws his sword at me. It narrowly misses, and before I have time to react, he jumps next to me, and grabs my arms.

He knees me in the back, making me fall forward on to my knees. I awkwardly look up, trying not to twist my arms any more uncomfortably than they are.

He lets go, just for a second and I see emotions cross his face. The main one is regret, followed by... Something like happiness? I don't know.

He allows me to stand, helping me up. "You don't win" I say menacingly, unsheathing Skaye's daggers, one in front for defense, and the other at his neck.

He raises his hands, dropping his bayard and laughs. "I guess you win then." I push down on his shoulder with the hilt, making him fall and sit on the floor.

I sit an arm's length away, defensive, but willing to talk. I think Skaye's feelings are affecting me.

"First rule of any combat, don't lower your guard. Ever." I say, twirling one dagger on my finger by it's hilt. I remove my hand and flick the blade, causing it to turn and stab the ground.

It wedges there, and I see Keith go for his bayard out of the corner of my eye. "No." I say, throwing my dagger and pinning it down.

He sighs. "What do you want?" He asks, irritated. I lean back and my head hits the wall. I didn't realise I was that close! I shuffle back and sit against the wall.

I close my eyes, getting tired almost instantly. I hear soft footsteps come over to me. "Answer the question" Keith says from next to me, putting both of Skaye's daggers on my outstretched legs.

I sigh heavily and tilt my head in his general direction, not bothering to open my eyes. He puts his hand on my injury on my arm, making me hiss quietly in pain.

"Sorry... Are you alright?" I nod. I should be fine. I am supposed to naturally heal, but I can't. I'm too weak, too low on blood.

Keith puts his arm around me, an unexpected yet kind action. I yawn, getting even more tired. This is not regular fatigue. I fall asleep, Keith's arm still around me.

Keith's POV

Sayuri falls asleep next to me, her aura diminishes and she leans against me. ~~past this point I ran out of inspiration and it will probably be pretty bad. Sorry :/~~  I wonder what she's dreaming about.

I hear the door whoosh open diagonally behind us and lean back, staring at the ceiling. "Hey, what're you two doing?" Pidge asks, coming in front of me.

"We sparred for a while, she won. I asked her what she wants, but I got no answer at all. She's injured as well, and she fell asleep not long ago." I explain. Pidge nods slowly. "So..."

I sigh. "I don't know what's going on, don't ask." Pidge begins to pace a little. I jump as the girl leaning into me wakes with a jolt. "Ah hello... Sorry" she says, widening her eyes. I'll never get tired of that deep crimson shade in her eyes... It's beautiful.

"Hey" Pidge says, sitting across from us, legs crossed. She looks like she's trying to hold back laughter. I try to move one of my legs, not realising how stiff I am.

"Ow, ow, ow!" I say as I stretch out, multiple bones cracking. At this point, Pidge can't hold it together and she bursts out laughing, holding her sides. "What's so funny?" I ask, glaring at her.

"I think she looked in a mirror" Skaye replies, smirking. I laugh at this, while Pidge smacks us both on the arms. Sometimes I can't help but think how much I have opened up with these people.

I never used to talk, let alone even show minimal amounts off affection. Pidge seems to realise this, and she takes advantage of it. Sometimes too much.

"Hey, Keith, Skaye. You might wanna go down to the hangars and look at your lions." Shiro says over the comm. He's not been the same recently, more hostile.

Pidge sees this as her cue to leave, and goes out of the door. I stand up, offering a hand to Skaye. She takes it and stands. "I can't be bothered to do this, I'm exhausted" she says, holding onto my shoulder for support.

I put my left arm around her waist, allowing her proper room to stand. She goes to her lion's hangar, not bothering to put on her helmet. I do the same.

What could possibly have happened with the lions?

~~ Oof that's cheesy af. I'm really tired, I barely got any sleep. I probably won't update for a small while. Not that it matters. No one reads this rubbish anyway~~ LostFirestar 🌟❤️🌟

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