Surprises Hide Everwhere

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Skaye's POV

I go to the hangar, getting bored. Soon I'll get too weak... Then...
I don't want to think about it. If I snap...

No! That won't happen! I need to focus on what I'm doing, not what could happen.

I finally reach the hangars. I look around at where Purple should be, not seeing a trace of her.

Someone taps me on the shoulder, and I twist around. "Uh, what?!" I exclaim, looking at where both mine and Keith's lions have curled up together. I laugh. "Well this is something"

I look at the person who tapped me, it turns out to be Allura. "What happened? What were you doing when your lions did this?" She bombards me with questions, not leaving enough time to answer.

I put my hands up in my defense. "Look, I don't have a clue, ok? Ask someone else!" I say, backing away a little. I bump into Keith, who just arrived. "How about you check the security footage" he says, crossing his arms behind me.

Purple has never acted like this before, I wonder what triggered it? She leans her head down and pushes against me gently. "Ok, what's actually going on? How did you activate on your own?" I ask, stroking the strong metal.

Red stands up and pushes my lion away, seeming to be in a bad mood. He goes back to his hangar, and his barrier raises. I turn to look at Keith.

"Interesting... It would seem that both lions acted on your emotions." I block out Allura at this point. I don't particularly care what happened, not much damage was done, apart from a few scratches.

I watch my lion stand up and walk to her hangar, head down and tail dragging. She goes offline too. "Why... What went wrong?" I say quietly, turning on my heel to the door.

I feel Keith move to stop me, but doesn't. I look at the other lions, but they haven't moved. Black's shield is down, but that's the only one. I walk out, hands in my pockets.

Keith's POV

I don't bother to stop Skaye leaving. She seems upset, and I instantly feel like it's my fault. I curse under my breath and leave shortly after, to see if I could catch up with her. I see her ahead, and walk a little faster.

She apparently hears me and also speeds up, hair bobbing behind her. She twists around for a second, walking backwards. She grins and jogs around the corner. I speed up to catch her, and get tripped.

I catch myself just in time and hear her running off in the opposite direction.
"So that's how you wanna play is it?" I mutter, recovering from my near-fall.

I think about where she could be headed, and go around the other side to the elevator.

I see it leave as I get round the corner, and quickly walk to the button. I slam my fist against the button, and see it slowly come back down. Ugh, she could be anywhere by now. I get in the elevator anyway, heading to the rooms.

Skaye's POV

Phew... That was actually difficult. If I hadn't tripped him up, he would've caught me. I just hope he won't go into his room for a while.

I go into his room and see paper scrunched up everywhere. I move a little bit out of the way to sit on the bed. I sit on something solid, a book maybe?

I move the covers out of the way, and look at it. It's his journal! I pick it up, confused as what to do. I don't want to read it, but I do...

Aagh! I push it under the pillows and move the cover back. Just in time, because I hear Keith outside. I jump off the bed and hide behind the door, hoping to not be seen.

He walks in. I resist the urge to hit him, and go to slip out behind him. "I thought so" he says, which creeps me out. He grabs my arm as the door starts closing, pulling me through.

I fall backwards, on top of Keith. "Uh sorry" I say, getting off him. I go to stand up, but he pulls me next to him. "You didn't read any of this, did you?" He asks, angry and... Anxious? Is there something he doesn't want me to know?

I shake my head and he lets out a sigh of relief. "Why?"
"No reason... Just don't. Please" he replies, looking directly at me. I lean into him. He tenses up. "You know how you said you like me?" I ask, and he nods, "well... Uh... Same" I say awkwardly. He hugs me.

"Someone that doesn't hate me? Is this a miracle?" He jokes. I laugh softly, hugging him back. "Does this mean we're together or something now?" I ask, leaning out of the hug. He nods. "Just don't tell Lance. He'll get so jealous." Comes the reply.
~~hehe the cheesyness is killing me...~~

I shiver suddenly, goosebumps forming on my arms. Keith drags the bed cover off the top of the bed and gives it to me. I give him half.

I wrap myself in it and snuggle down. Keith wraps his arm around me, and I fall into him, not able to move. Not that I really want to.

He laughs at my bedroll. I shove I him a little, causing him to fall and hit his head on a chest of drawers next to us. "Ow..." He says, sitting up and rubbing his head. I lay down, dragging the bedding with me.

I force him to go down too and he sighs. "What's wrong?" I ask.
"Nothing" comes the reply.

He makes a bedroll from his half and we stick together. "Did you find my journal?" He asks. I nod, "I didn't read it".

"Good... Don't. There's things in there I don't want people to know about me" he says, closing his eyes. I lean into him. It's warm like this, and comfortable.

I'm glad that I've been accepted. People normally wouldn't, due to what I am.

~~Thanks for actually reading this far. I know it's terrible, I can't help it. I'm out of inspiration. ~~LostFirestar🌟❤️🌟

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