Back Again

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Skaye's POV

I feel like a yo-yo. Constantly back and forth to check on my armour and then my pod. I go into the sort of living room, and flop on the sofa. I'm too tired to do this.

Keith comes in and sits next to me. "Tired?" He asks, pulling me next to him. "Yeah, I have been worked non stop since I got back you know." I say in a harsh tone. He winces. "Sorry, it's not your fault" I apologise.

He hugs me. "I would be the same". I laugh and lean into him. He rests his head on mine, and we sit there for a while. "You are described as a hot head" I snicker, and he lightly smacks my arm.

"Yeah, that's Lance for ya." He says, sitting up. I catch myself as I fall, and sit up next to him. He puts his arm around me. Ugh, I feel horrible, and I don't know why.

I suddenly think about what's been happening, and how Sayuri hasn't spoken to me for a long time. "You know, Pidge knows about us. It won't be long until everyone does to be honest" I say, trying to make conversation.

He nods. "I guess...". I take out the gem, and give it to Keith. "Look after this. It's powerful... But corruptive. Be careful with it"

He nods, and puts it in his tool belt. The door opens, and Shiro comes in. "Ugh, I think we need a break. We've all been overworked, and we've done nothing fun. I hear Allura's planning a ball as well, at the request of the leader of the Tarainions, the planet we're landing on." He says, sitting on the sofa opposite.

Keith nods. "I guess it would be nice to take a break, but I'm not letting my guard down". I agree, what if something happens? It's been almost an entire day, what if Lotor finds us?

I shake my head and clear my thoughts. "Yeah... I've never really been to anything like a 'ball' before" I sigh, thinking about what it could be like.

I take my daggers out of my pocket, I still don't know where my jacket is. I look at the blades, they are still the same black, unscratched and they still have the same purple leather around the hilt. But the carving has changed.

Now it's a simple design, a swirl with a gem in the center. What could that mean? I put them away, but I feel a sharp pain in my temple and eye, and I think I know why. "I-I'm gonna go. I need to rest." I say, getting up abruptly and hurting out of the room.

How I've gone for this long, I don't know. I run to my room and lock the door with a scanner. Someone's been in here. It's messier than I left it, with my things piled up on the floor and on my table.

I collapse on my bed, and rub my face. I twist around to look in the mirror, and see that my eye has gone black, and the healed wound on my temple has opened up, and started bleeding.

I grab the nearest cloth and wipe it, looking for some food with enough blood in it to keep me stable.

There's nothing in the box, and I have nothing left. I feel awful, and start to cry. Dammit, I'll just hurt someone again, it's not my fault. Pain comes over me in waves, and I slide down the bed, trying to stop the flow of tears.

Keith's POV

I sigh. I wonder why Skaye left so suddenly? I should go and check on her. "I'm going to go see if she's ok" I say to a daydreaming Shiro, and go out of the room.

I hear him murmur something, but I don't bother to ask what he said. I set off to the rooms, at a fairly quick pace. I reach her room, and hear crying inside.

I knock. "Can I come in?" I call in the room, getting more worried. "No, no!" She shouts, getting quieter with ever word. I attempt to open the door, but find it's locked.

I need to get Pidge. Luckily, I think I know where she'll be.

Skaye's POV

I wipe my eyes and try to look a bit better. It won't help though, I'll still do something horrible. 'I believe you scared your boyfriend off' Sayuri growls, and a hazy image of her appears in front of me.

"H-how?!"I yelp, trying to back off, and I realise I'm against the bed. 'Its a secret. But I'm looking forward to finally getting something done. So, which paladin should I target? Hmm? How about the red one? He seems special to you. Or the green one, you're very good friends. Maybe the blue one... Oh there's so much choice!' She laughs, rocking on her heels.

"No. They'll know something's off, and they already know what's going on. You'll be spotted in an instant." I say, weakly standing. 'I. Don't. Care.' she says, pressing her finger against my forehead. 'Now, it's been long enough. Time for me to see your team again' she says happily.

I watch her vanish, and fall on the floor. I feel the pain fade, and black out.

Sayuri's POV

I'm free! At last, I'm free! I look around the room. There's a Galran suit of sorts laid out, with cloaking in it. "That'll do" I say, and put it on. I check the cloaking, and it works well.

A blast hits the ship and I hear multiple footsteps outside. Too many to be the paladins.

I wait for them to fade, then unlock the door. I look down the corridor at both ends, and activate my cloak. A few footsteps come up the corridor, and I see the paladins and the Alteans sneaking towards a large room.

I follow, keeping quiet. I deactivate my cloak and tap the blue paladin on the shoulder. I keep my helmet on in case I need to cloak again.

"Hey" he says, turning back around. We go in a room with no cameras in, and I lock the door. "Some Galra found us and took over the castle. I think the commander is Sendak" Allura says, bringing up a screen.

"I'm going to patrol and stop them from getting to the lions" Keith says, and I nod. "And me." I say, and Lance does the same.

This way, I can take out whoever I want. They are stupidly splitting up. Ha, they don't suspect a thing. I follow Keith and Lance, with my cloak activated.

~~Oof this is terrible. I get inspiration from other people's stories, and if they don't write, I find it hard to.
Sorry if I copy and scenes, I haven't watched Voltron in a long while and it's messing with me. Sorry and thanks for reading ~~ LostFirestar 🌟❤️🌟

The Lost Paladin (Voltron)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora