Chapter 22

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The wall moved upon us and my heartbeat started racing. Logan cursed, though I'm not sure why, he and Emma could fly to safety, I, on the other hand, was going to plummet to my firery death. I looked at the wall moving in on us and I decide to wrap myself in the vines.

"Guys, I'm going to strap myself to the vines. I would say fly me somewhere, but I don't think you can fly with me for that long." I said quickly.

"Good shout." Logan said behind me. "Emma can you fly?" He asked.

"Ya!" She yelled. I already began to loop a thick vine around me in a hook knot. I grabbed another vine and did the same. I looked back to see the edge of the cliff, about six feet away. The wall lunged forward a foot, making me lose the vines for the third knot.

"Crap!" I mumbled to myself. Logan held another vine towards me and I took it. I glanced back to see the cliff's edge just a few feet away.

"Anytime now Persia!" I heard Emma say. I glaned to my left where she was in a stance to take flight, as I finished my fourth knot.

"Almost there." I grabbed got my fifth vine and stepped back again. I knoted it and looking back, I almost fell into the lava. There was about a foot left where I could stand. Emma and Logan held my back so I wouldn't fall and I got a sixth knot in and took my sword out. The knots were wrapped around my torso and my upper thighs to ensure I wouldn't slip through. The wall lunged forward again and I lost my footing. I held out my sword as the vines dropped some feet off the side of the cliff before snapping back up. It supported, though I didn't know how long it would last.

"Persia? You okay?" Emma asked flying above the lava below.

"Yes!" I shouted, but I spoke too soon. The vines above me began to snap one by one. I stabbed my sword into the rock at my make-shift harness slid off of my legs and got gobbled up my the lava. I grabbed my swords handle tighter as I felt my hands slip.

"Persia!" Logan floated beside me holding his arms out.

"Find an exit! Come back for me!" I yelled.

"We are not leaving you..." Emma said as she went down a few feet and came back up grunting.

"Your powers are draining, soon you guys will fall in the lava. Go find an exit and come back!" I yelled over the roar of the fires below. They nodded and left quickly, leaving me to dangle over the firey river. I swayed slightly on my sword that was halfway driven into the dark rock. I felt my sweaty hands losing their grip and my arms began to burn. Logan and Emma went separate ways and would come back soon, I hoped. I held on thinking of all the memories and how much my life had changed so quickly. How a worthless little orphan got the power to save the world. The slip of my sword from the rock took me out of my reverie.

"Crap, Crap, Crap! I yelled to myself. I looked down at my hanging feet and my stomach squelched, if I died, the Fire King would kill my friends. They wouldn't mean anything to him in his master plan. As long as I was alive, they were safe. I had to keep it this way as long as I could possible. The sword slipped a little again and pebbles rained down on my head.

"Guys!" I yelled feeling the adrenaline corsing through me now. "Logan! Emma!" I screamed as the sword tipped forward slightly. If I fell I would retreat my sword into my necklace and throw my Crystal necklace as far as I could, hoping Emma of Logan would get it. I had a feeling if it fell in the lava, it would become the Fire King's. The sword tipped again and I realized the slight curve of my sword was saving me right now, my weight would soon drag it down though. "Emma! Logan!" I screamed one last time.

"Persia! We found it!" I heard Emma say. "Persia?!" She yelled.

"Are you there?!" Logan screamed.

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