2 - Wait... Nevermind

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Your mum had just began to explain that she would have to go to work, leaving you alone for the day, when there was a knock on the door. Your mum gets up to answer it and you turn your body to get a better look at the door. Behind it stands a young woman, in her early thirties, she holds a basket in her arms. You wondered what was is it, but suddenly your attention was drawn away. Behind her stood a boy, about your age, he was really cute, cuter than any of the boys at your old school. He had brown hair, that curled out in every direction, and huge, deep brown eyes, he smiled, raising his hand into an awkward wave. His smile was gorgeous, it lit up his face, making it look even more beautiful. 

"Y/n" you hear your mum say, snapping you out of your trance. You stand up, walking over to the group.

"This is my daughter y/n" your mum introduces you, as the woman extended her hand.

"I'm May Parker" she said, "and this is my nephew Peter, we live down the hall." 

You smile, locking eyes with the boy - peter - as you shake his hand. You feel yourself blush, hoping that no one else could tell.

Your mum glances at her watch. 

"I'm really sorry" she says, addressing the group "but I've got to go to work."

She grabs her handbag, then reaches up to kiss you on the forehead.

"Goodbye sweetie," she turns back to May and Peter as she begins to walk out of the apartment, "it was nice to meet you both."

 May, hands you the basket she had been holding, inside was a assortment of chocolates and various microwaveable meals. 

"I've noticed the delivery guy coming over every night and I thought these might help." She explained.

"Thank you so much" you say, placing the basket down on the kitchen table.

 "I've got to go run some errands so I'll leave you kids to chat" she said, turning to Peter and giving him an unsubtle wink, "it was nice meeting you y/n" 

"Thanks, you too" you say as she walks away from you and Peter in the direction your mum did.

The Boy Down the Hall - A Peter Parker FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now