Ch.9 Welcome To The World

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*Michael's P.O.V.*

 It is three days away from the babies due date and I was excited and so was Stephanie. She was also nevous and I dont blame all. The fans and family met Stephanie two months ago so they knew what was going on. "MICHAEL!!!!!!!!" Stephanie yelled from upstairs. It sounded like something was wrong so I ran upstairs to our room and all I see is Stephanie bent over and there was a puddle on the floor. "Stephanie did your water break?" I ask and she nodded. "FRANK!!" I screamed. Frank came upstairs and asked what was wrong. "Pack up the car and I mean very quickly. Stephanie's water broke we need to get to the hospital." I said to Frank. He ran back downstairs to pack things and I was helping Stephanie down the stairs to the limo. I helped her in and ran to my side and we were off to the hospital to have triplets.


 "Okay Stephanie it's almost time" I say to her. "1..2..3..Push"  the doctor said. I seen black curly hair. This one looks like me. I cried at the sight. A couple pushes after the baby was out. It was Jaden. I just said she was going to be Jaden cause that was the first girl name that we decided that popped in my head. I cut the cord and the doctor gave her to me. She was so precious. "Okay Stephanie on three. 1...2...3 push" the doctor said and I seen the head of the second one. It had black curly hair but had Stephanie's eyes. The baby came out and they announced it was the boy. It was Mikey. I cut his cord and the doctor handed him to the nurse that was standing next to me. "Hang in there baby. We only have one more to go." I say to Stephanie. She was breathing hard and was in a lot of pain. She didn't have drugs or anything. She wanted all natural. "1...2...3 push" She pushed again and the head was out and looked exactly like Jaden. The girls had my eyes. They were chocolatey brown. Mikey had Stephanie's eyes, he had blue, green, brown, and gold in his. The doctor handed Jadah to Stephanie and she broke down in tears and when she did I did. So we were sitting in the middle of the delivery room balling our eyes out. This was the best day of our lifes.

 A couple of hours later, my family came to see their neices and nephew and grandchildren. Their reactions were priceless. "Aww they are so cute." Tito said. "The girls look just like you Michael!" Janet says. "Congratulations" Mom, Joe and Randy said. "Wow triplets. How are you gonna handle that Mikey?" Jermaine said. "They are adorable!" LaToya said. "Congrats" Rebbie, Jackie, and Marlon said. "Thank you all for coming. We really appreciate it." I say looking at all of them while smiling. I was holding Mikey and Stephanie was holding Jaden. Of course Janet was the one holding Jadah. "So what did you name them" everyone asked. "The one I am holding is Mikey. The one Stephanie is holding is Jaden. And the one Janet is holding is Jadah. Jaden and Jadah is identical twins and Mikey is a faternal twin." I said. "Awwwwww" they all said at once. By 8:00 pm everyone left except me. We had to stay in the hospital for two nights so they can run test on the babies. I was so tired so I can't imagine how Stephanie feels. I look over to her and she was already asleep and so was the babies. I walk up to Stephanie and gave her a kiss on the forehead and then I went to the babies and kissed all three of them and went to bed. Jeez, I didn't know watching three births was so exausting. I smiled and trifted off to sleep. Jadah woke up wanting to be fed at 3 in the morning. I picked her up and gave her a bottle of breastmilk and fed it to her and then the other two babies woke up screaming their heads off. Oh god this is going to be fun and I don't want to wake Stephanie because I know she is tired. She woke up and looked at me and smiled. "You are a great father Micheal" I looked at her and smiled and said "You are a great mother".

 We both got them to go back to sleep and I gave Stephanie a kiss and went back to sleep and so did she. What a busy day. I hope we get enough rest. Me and Stephanie both woke up before any of the babies did so we had time to ourselfs. "How are you feeling babe?" I ask her "Great actually" she says while giggling. "I am so glad we did this" I said. "Did what?" she asked confused. "Created this family" I said smiling and guestured to the babies. "Me too." She said. I gave her a long passionate kiss. She was still laying in bed and I was sitting in a chair next to her. It really annoyed me with the person next door. She kept banging and every time she did that, we would have screaming babies in our room. Then the person on the other side of us would complain about the three babies crying. Ugh, it was a disaster. All I have to say is that I enjoyed the babies. Seeing Stephanie caring for them was like heaven. I mean it was like she was meant to be a mommy. She was so adorable with the babies and when I tell her that she tells me I was mean to be a daddy and I was adorable with them too. I dont know, but just to get that experience of watching births of my children just left me speechless. I couldn't believe that these three human beings had my DNA and my genes, but also had the love of my life's DNA and genes as well. It is the best creation in the world you could ever make with someone you love dearly.




Love Lives Forever ~ A Michael Jackson Fanfic ~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora