Ch.26 Telling Marie

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*Stephanie's P.O.V.*

I didn't know I was that tired. I fell asleep while Michael was talking on the phone with Janet. When I woke up, Michael's arms were around me and he was asleep next to me on the did I get on the bed? I looked at the clock and it was only twelve. I look over my shoulder to see Michael awake and smiling at me. I smile as he kisses my forehead and says "Good morning, beautiful!" I reply "Good morning, handsome!" He kissed me softly on the lips and I kinda giggle when he moves his hands up from my thighs to my sides and caresses them not meaning to tickle me. He pulls back and laughs. "Does that tickle?" I nod and he does it again just to get on my nerves. I laugh and swat my hands off of me. I couldn't get up and run because of my leg. I was getting the brace off in two months. I cant wait. I hate these freaking crutches. Michael got the message when I tried to grab my crutches and quickly stopped and grabbed my waist to pull it to him. I kind of looked at him with a mean look but I couldn't help but giggle at his reaction. Marie then knocked on the door and Michael yelled softly "Come in!!" She then came in and her face looked like she was confused. I realized that she didn't know about my leg yet and the sheets were off of me when I started to get up.

"She fell down the stairs yesterday and she dislocated her knee cap." Michael explained noticing her reaction. She then said "Oh! What I came in here for was to ask you if you wanted me to bring lunch up here?" Michael looked at me for approval and I said "Yes please. I hate these darn crutches. Expecially when going down stairs." Marie giggled and nodded. She then turned away and walked out closing the door behind her. Me and Michael looked at eachother and giggled a bit because how she reacted. "I really didn't want to tell her." Michael whispered coming close to my ear. "Why?" I asked confused. He looked up and said "Because I didn't want her to worry while on the job." I nodded my head understanding what he was saying, but I was confused on why she would worry about me. He noticed my confusion and said "She worries about the slightest things, and when she does, she forgets things more easily." "Oh" I simply said and looked down. He lifted up my chin and said "Baby, I am so sorry this happened to you. The fall and Lisa. She can't seem to get over me. She tries everything to get me back, but what she don't relize is that I am married to the most beautiful and sexiest girl on the planet Earth. I love you so much baby and nothing would ever change that." I smiled and looked back down. "Girl! You better look at me.

 If you don't I think we both know what would happen." he says jokingly to me and I look up and giggle "What if I don't want to look at you right now. I mean, don't get me wrong. You are very irresistable to turn away from." I say as he looked shocked at my statement. I laugh and he acted like he was disappointed with me but he was joking around with me. I laughed harder. He couldn't hold it in much longer, so he busted out laughing. I still laughed and I put my head on his chest. He stopped laughing and he put his hand on my head, stroking my hair. I was still smiling but I started to caress his chest. Then Marie came in with two salads and two bottles of water on a tray. Me and Michael sat up and took our salads and thanked her. "So what happend to make you fall down the stairs?" she asked and I looked at her and answered "Well, me and Michael was planning on going to the park. After we ate I headed up the stairs and I guess I missed a step and I fell all the way down the stairs. It hurt like crazy!" Michael then added "Yea and when we got to the hospital I basically yelled at the nurse because she told me to calm down." I laughed and so did Marie. Michael kind of blushed but giggled anyways. "Well, I better go and let you guys eat in peace." Marie says while started to walk to the door. "Thank you, Marie." Michael says and she nodded and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. I giggled. Then me and Michael started eating and  talking about how much we were happy to meet eachother. He told a couple of jokes and I did too. I really enjoyed our lunch together.

~Four Days Later~

 So the kids are coming back home in three days and I get the brace off today. I am so happy. No more crutches! The thing is, is that Michael don't even know. "So, when are you getting the brace off, Steph?" he asked snapping me out of my thoughts. "Uh, I'm glad you asked me that." I say and he looks at me confused "I get it off today at one." I finish and his eyes widen in size. I giggle and he hugs me and says "No more stupid crutches.". I giggle and nod my head. "Speaking of the time, it's 11:30" he says and my eyes widen. "Really? Well we should be getting ready." I say starting to get up until he stops me and picks me up bridal style. I say "You don't have to do this, babe." "I want to, babygirl. I want to hold you." he says giggling and I do too. We get ready and we head to the doctors. I am so glad I am getting it taken off finally. I am happy to get it off before the kids see it. They would be so concerned.




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