Ch.13 A Three Day Break

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*Michael's P.O.V.*

 I woke up at 9:30 am still tired and I see Stephanie on my chest sleeping peacefully. I decide to try to go back to sleep.  I feel Stephanie reposition herself on but she is still sleeping. I look down and smile at her and I drift off to sleep knowing she wont wake up anytime soom because our long makout session that lasted until three in the morning. I love her so much. I will love her until death do us part. I will never do anything to break her heart. Her sweet caring heart. I loved her even more for that. Nothing could seperate us ever. Stephanie is restless and keeps tossing and turning on me, keeping me awake for a bit. She is sweating and I grew worried every second of it. She started to squint her eyes closed tighter. I think she is having a bad dream but I am not sure, I will see if her breathing speeds up then I will try to wake her up. I then feel a tear on my bare chest and I look at her. She is still sleeping but she is crying too. I was about to wake her up and right then she started screaming. I quickly sit her up and she stratles me and I pat her arm. She screams again and quickly opens her eyes. She starts crying. I pull her into a hug and try to comfort her by whispering "Baby it's okay. It was just a bad dream. Baby?" She sits up and nods still crying. "Baby what did you dream about that made you so scared" I say softly drawing my eyebrows together looking at her caressing her face and wiping her tears with my thumbs. She looks down and plays with her fingers still slightly crying.

 "Baby" I put my fingers under her chin making her look at me. "What is it?" I ask "I-it's nothing" she starts crying again. "Yes it is baby. If it was nothing, you wouldn't be crying right now. Baby, please tell me. I am always here for you. You can tell me anything." I try to get the words out of her mouth. She looks up pleading and asks "Promise you wont be mad at me?" "I promise with all my heart." I say back at her and she says "Baby, I dreamed of getting... you know....raped" she starts sobbing. "Baby why would I be mad at that? I know your father was sexually abusing you. Wait, was it a flashback?" I asks and she nods 'yes'. I hug her tightly and whisper in her ear "Baby, I will make sure that never happens ever again. I love you so much and I will do anything to protect you. Now, go back to sleep you look exausted." I lay her down back on my chest holding her tight to make her feel safe. "Baby, what about the kids?" she asked looking up at me while rubbing my chest lightly. "Janet took them all to her house for three days so we can have more time to ourself" I smile at her while playing with her hair. "Really? We are alone?" she asked surprised because we are not used to being by ourselfs. "Yep all alone, with the house to ourselfs" I say leaning down to kiss her and graze her bottom lip with my tongue asking for access. She allowes and parts her lips and my tongue emerges into her mouth. We part and she lays back down on my chest and soon falls asleep and so do I.

 We sleep untill one in the afternoon, well, atleast I did. I woke up and noticed she wasn't in bed. I suddenly hear the shower running and I quickly walk to the bathroom. "Baby, can I join?" I ask softly so I don't scare the daylights out of her. She opens the shower door waving at me to welcome me into the shower. I take off my clothes and jump in with her. I was standing behind her and I kiss her shoulder lightly. She turns around capturing my lips with hers. "I love you so much" I whisper in her lips. "I love you too Mikey" I smile and we continue kissing. I pull away and I get her favorite shampoo and pour it into my hand and massage her scalp with my hands. She rinses and she grabs my favorite shampoo and does the same with me. I rinse and we do eachother's conditioner and we wash eachother's bodies too. We get out of the shower drying eachother off and we get dressed. I pick her up bridal style and carry her to the kitchen. I put her down into a chair while I make our breakfast. I make her pancakes, bacon, and eggs and I serve it to her while having mine in my hand. I sit next to her and we start to eat.

 "So...what did you want to do for the next three days alone hun?" I ask her. "I maybe want to walk around Neverland today and ride the rides and maybe watch a movie later." she answers and looks at me smiling making me smile. Her smiles and laughs is so contagous to me. I love it. "Okay babe." I smile and drink some of my orange juice. After we were done eating we headed out and rode some rides. We finished our last ride laughing hard. "Theater?" I suggest. She smiles and nods and we walk into the theater and we get candy to eat. We sit down and watch our favorite movie "Peter Pan" Stephanie lays face up on my lap and i feed her candy. She smiles at me and grabs my neck and pulls me close and kisses me. I kiss back while climbing on top of her and we make out during the whole movie. We only saw the beginning of the movie because of our makeout session. I love her so darn much I can't even think of how much I love her.




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