Ch.23 Relocation

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*Michael's P.O.V.*

 Ugh!! I hate seeing my baby girl in pain. "We need to get a doctor quick!" I say panicked to the nurse at the desk. "Okay calm down sir!" she yells. I look at her and take my disguise off and look at her. She get wide eyed and I look down at Stephanie while she is crying in pain. "YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN MISS? WE HAVE AN INJURY HERE THAT YOU NEED TO HELP ME WITH. NOW TELL ME SHOULD I FREAKING CALM DOWN ABOUT THIS!" I yell as I pull the covers off Stephanie's knee. The nurse got wide and yells for a wheelchair. "Can I carry her there, ma'am? And sorry for yelling. I just hate seeing my girl in pain." I say with sad, guilty eyes. "No, no, sir. It's fine. I would be freaking out, too. And I should be the one apologizing for yelling at you. You can carry her if you want and if she feels more comfortable with you." she says back to me and Stephanie quickly nods her head whimpering in pain. I don't know why, but every time she whimpers like that I start to cry even more. I hate it. Why does it have to be her hurt. I'd rather myself being hurt. I then try to comfort her by kissing her forehead and using one hand to make her rest on my chest. She wraps her arms around my torso and cries even harder and louder.

 "Shhh. baby girl. It's okay. Everything will be fine." I try to comfort her and it helps a little bit. I don't blame her. This is her first time dislocating a bone. For christ sake, she never broke a bone. "Follow me, sir." the nurse says motioning us toward the hospital room. "Please, just call me Michael." I say looking at Stephanie and still trying to comfort her. The nurse nods and we continue walking to the room. Suddenly we hear screaming at the entrance of the hospital. Oh no. The fans already heard we were here. "MICHAEL!!!" one fan screams and all the other ones charge at us. "Run, please." I say starting to run behind the nurse, so I know were to go. We finally get to the room and the nurse closes and locks the door behind us. I breathe out a breath I was holding and sat down in a chair with Stephanie still in my arms. "Place her on the bed please." The nurse says out of breath. I nod and get up and walk to the bed. I place her down carefully before stepping back slowly. I frown and sit down with my face in my hands. "Baby, what's wrong?" Stephanie asks as the nurse examines her knee. She then hisses in pain while the nurse moves her knee back and forth to get a better look at it. I look up with a sad expression on her face and see Stephanie with her eyes closed and her face scrunched up. "N-nothing baby." I say with  a tear rolling down my face. "Baby, I'll be okay." she says opening her eyes and waving me over to her. I slowly get up and walk over to her.

 She puts her hand on my face and wipes away the tear. I slightly smile and kiss her on her forehead. "Baby, I hate it!" I say to her looking straight into her eyes. "Hate what? Mikey, what are you talking about?" she asked. "You know what I am talking about. Seeing you in pain like this. It's my fault." I mutter looking to the side. "No it's not Michael! You couldn't do anything to advoid this." she said and I look at her. "Yes, I kinda rushed you." I say with another tear. "Baby, you didn't rush me. I was the one basically running up the stairs" she replies kinda giggling. "The doctor will be in soon, Michael." the nurses said while walking out. "Thank you and sorry again for yelling at you" I say kind of guilty. "Your fine" she says before closing the door behind her. Stephanie giggles and then starts laughing really hard. I wonder what she is laughing at. "Baby, what are you lau- oh noooo. They gave you morphine, didn't they?" I ask giggling alittle as she nods her head yes. "Oh god!" I say laughing. "Well, atleast you are not hurting anymore." I say looking at her. She stopped laughing and pulls at my neck wanting me to kiss her. I giggle and bring my lips up to hers. I kiss her softly and she entangles her fingers in my curls.

 She knows that drives me crazy. "Babe, you know that drives me nuts." I whisper into her lips. She smiles and whispers "I know" I giggle and kiss her again. We then hear footprints come near the door. We stop quickly and straighten up. By that time, the doctor opens the door and says "Hi Mr and Mrs. Jackson. What do we have going on here?" He looks closely at her knee and exclaims "Oh dear! Looks like we have to pop that back in place!" I feel lightheaded at the word 'pop' and I quickly sit down for a few. "Baby, you okay?" Stephanie asks giggling and I nod and get up. Then I see the doctor carry a huge needle and I hold Steph's hand. I look away as he plunges the needle into her arm. She squeezes my hand. He then counts down and Stephanie buries her head into my chest and I look away. I then hear a pop and Stephanie squeal a bit. "All done. All we have to do is put a brace on and we are done." the doctor says. I look at her knee and it is all in place, but it is all bruised, black and blue. I couldn't take anymore. I suddenly fall and all I see is black.




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