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A/n:Hi, I'm from the future. Just a heads up the first ten chapsters suck. Ill edit them later lol. Bare with me.

You are smiling like crazy on the outside and flipping out in the inside. I mean it's not everyday where you get your crush's phone number. You are in class 1-B attending in U.A. Uraraka (your neighbor and bff for forever and ever)
helped you with your little "mission" To get the one and only Todoroki Shouto's cell phone number.
      You first met Shouto at the sports festival. The moment you laid eyes of him you fell for him. I guess that's why they say "love at first sight".
      You were determined that you were soulmates and had a new inspiration to win the sports festival. You were pretty powerful controlling things with your mind and all and made it to the last event. You lost to none other than Todoroki Shouto( not that you minded) during the first round. You hung around to see him battle Midoriya and Bakugou. You were disappointed that he lost to Bakugou but nevertheless your love for him never wavered.
     Ever scince then you have been watching him during lunch and whenever you could. You respected his privacy and chose not to stalk him, just admire him from a distance.
      "Calm down it's just a number." Kendo rolled her eyes. She was you other best friend so it was only natural to tell her about your obsession with half and half. There was no way you would ever confess to him (well not in person anyway)
so, you settled on finding out his phone number.
"Yea but it's his number!" You protested. Waving your hands to emphasize. People just don't understand sometimes.

   "You are such a stalker! How did you even end up with his number?" Kendo teased and poked your cheek. She liked to do that for some reason. It gets annoying.

   " I am not a stalker. I just appreciate the beautiful things in life. And Uraraka helped me get his number" You pouted swatting her finger.
Midoriya helped too. You were best friends with Uraka so it made sense that once in a while you would go over to sit with her at lunch and meet some of her friends.

  You easily hit off with them and told some of them about your not-so-secret crush.

     "Besides you can't be talking. What about Neitoo?" You dragged his name.
A blush creeped up on the orange haired girl.
"For the last time I don't like him!" She huffed
  "Mmmhmmm" you smirked
  "W-whatever!" She stuttered.
----------Time skip------------------

You watched the clock tick, waiting for school to be over. Just 2 minutes left.




The bell rang, symbolizing the end of the school day. You shot up and bolted out the door at the speed of light.
  The second you were out you whipped out your phone.
"Ok so I have to play it cool. Pretend that you are trying to text Uraraka."

You took a deep breath and quickly texted Uraraka telling her your plan. Just in case if he asks Uraraka she will know what's going on.

Alright time to text him.

Hey Uraraka do you want to hang later? :D

You waited three agonizing minutes waiting for a reply.
That's it spam time.
Uraraka you there???
Answer me
I'm lonely
And then it happened
                                    Hello? Who is this?

Doki Doki (Todoroki Shouto x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now