get shrekt scrub

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Why aren't you at breakfast?


Do you want me to save you some food?


It's breakfast?!!!?!?

It's 7!

Yes, you are late by like an hour.

Holy shoot

It's so early

Yes, please save me some food!!!

I'll be there hold up.


_-_-_-_-after struggling to get out of bed_-_-_

You used the stairs instead of the elevators because they take too long.

"Oh crapcrapcrapcrapcrap." You muttered flying down the steps and into the cafeteria.

Surprisingly there were a few students. Mostly class 1-A. I guess more people value sleep than food.

You looked around and saw Shouto hunched over, probably watching some K DRAMAS on his phone. Izuku, Iida, Momo and Uraraka were also with him. Momo was sitting next to Shouto while the other three were sitting across from them.

 You saw Denki and Kirishima at the breakfast line. Probably also late like you.

You jogged over to their table, breathing a bit hard. As you approached Uraraka noticed you.

"Hey y/n! You are a bit late, but we saved some food for you!" She waved and smiled cheerfully. Shouto looked up after he heard your name, he had a plate full of food. One side was left untouched, most likely for you.

Why is Uraraka so happy by the way? It's 7:45!

You put a finger up and put your hands in your knees, trying to catch your breath.

"Y/n l/n! Showing up late is unacceptable! It could turn into a bad habit!" Iida drilled you with his "boi" hands waving in the air.

"In my defense, (GaSp) I had NO idea that breakfast was this early! This should be illegal!" 

You caught your breath and sat next to Shouto. He turned off his phone in hopes to not get caught but his efforts were in vain, he had been exposed.

"I knew it!" You said and took a bite in one of the waffles on Shouto's plate.

"I know you know." He countered, unfazed by your accusation.


 You took another bite of the waffle. But not the toast, the toast in U.A is just plain horrible.

Once, you had gotten some toast and it was so rock hard you couldn't even bite into it. You and Denki both tried to break it but no avail, the two of you experimented what would happen if you were to hit it against the table..


No joke the table literally chipped, and the toast was left unharmed!

Table:0 Toast:1

And they expect us to EAT it. 

There are two types of students in U.A. The ones who brought food from home and the ones who ate school food.

^(Well, used to be two types. Now we have dorms and everyone has to eat the food at U.A.)

You, Denki, Sero, Mina, Ojiro and sometimes Jiro. Would all take their juice/milk cartons and spill everything together in one big bottle and dare someone to drink it for 20 bucks.

Doki Doki (Todoroki Shouto x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now