I don't understand

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A/n sorry for the late-ish update. I usually try to update everyday :P

      You have been tossing and turning for the past 2 hours or so. It was almost midnight and no matter what you did you just couldn't go to sleep.
     The heat was unbearable. You had three fans perched on your bed, two at each side of your head and one next to your feet. The cloth that had been on top of you was now strewn across the room in frustration of the temperature. You were drenched in sweat from head to toe. It was disgusting.

The computer just died. You were playing some video games in hopes to tire yourself but no avail.
You slammed the top down in anger and rolled over.
      Now how what were you going to do? You scooted to the side of the bed to charge the computer and, check the battery for your phone.

   It read 63%. Not bad, better than you expected. You turned the phone on and watched the screen flash. You swiped your finger to unlock it. You never bothered to put in a password, too much effort.
   You had no notifications,
    "I guess everyone else is asleep"

Oh well let's wake them up. Why not? They were going to wake up in a few hours anyway.
      You quickly texted everyone in your contacts a "hey". (You accidentally texted the pizza guy too. Whoops.)

       You flipped through your phone playing a few of the games while switching back and forth to see if anyone read your message.
    The pizza guy did. He probably was confused why you texted him a "hey" instead of " Can I get a large pepperoni pizza?" And you didn't feel like explaining so you left the man to his own theorys.
    A few minutes of scrolling through your feed ,you checked again and saw that Shoto had read your message. You wasted no time at all to text him again.

Wassup pretty boi

He read it again but didn't respond.
That was strange but you blew it off.


Hey answer me

Don't hide

I know you are there! You have read my texts boi!

                                     Please stop.

Why should I? U love it when I shower you with my attention.

Its normal to do this with your fiance

                 I don't know why you keep on doing this. I am already in a relationship so I would appreciate it if you leave me alone.

Your heart dropped for a second. Relationship? Scince when?

You are cheating on meh?:0 ;-;
For how long¿
                  My relationships shouldn't be of any concern to you. I have told you more than once now, leave me alone.

Something was not right. But it looked like he already had someone. Awe.

But maybe it's a bluff..


Fine boo. Sweet dreams I guess.

You decided to leave him alone. It was probably best.

You were utterly confused. You hesitated to ask Uraraka. What Todoroki said was true. It wasn't your business but, none of this made sense. Did you do something wrong? He might of just recently asked someone out but, he isn't the type to socialize to others that much.

But, you weren't the type of person to interfere with a relationship. That was low, so if he did then you would leave him alone.

Is Todoroki dating someone?


                                 Why are you still up? And no, he isn't. As far as I know anyway.

Ok so you did do something wrong.

Okie just wondering! thx

Hmmmmmmmmm. Oh well you would solve this in the morning.
You checked the time


Doki Doki (Todoroki Shouto x Reader) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz