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Right now you were at lunch. Chilling with Kendo, eating, the usual. It was a very boring lunch period. You and Kendo decided to play "Air hockey" a game invented by pure boredom.

You had command a crumpled piece of paper to float, then you hit it at Kendo.

She threw it back.

You hit it at her again.

She hit it back, and you hit it back to her again.

You went back and forth with the little "game" before she asked.
"So, how did it go with Todoroki? I'm surprised I was the one to talk about him"
You brightened happy to have something to talk about and the fact that the topic was about Todoroki.
"It went well. I mean he did engage in the conversation.. a bit.. so I guess it went well." you flicked the ball to her but missed and it aimlessly floated away.
You watched it float to the direction of ..Shouto. Huh coincidence?

^(I just put that in, go with the story lol)

Then as if a lightbulb lit up in your head. You had the brightest idea. (Pun intended)
You smirked. And mischievously look at Kendo.
"Heyyy I have an idea.."

____________short time skip_________

"He is going to find you out." Kendo warned

"Not if I'm careful, besides it would be funny to see him try." You smirked evilly.

Kendo sighed and shook her head.
"What if his phone is on silent?" She asked.

"Then I won't have to worry about anything! Jeez stop worrying it's me who's in danger in the first place."
You turned your phone on and tapped the camera app. Being careful that he wasn't looking your way you zoomed in on his face and took a picture.
Good thing flash was off. You quickly sent it to him with the caption of
"Monkey see Monkey do ;)" (you were proud of that), your nimble fingers tapping away at the screen.
The moment you saw the words."sent ,delivered". You put your phone back and pretend to have be in a deep conversation with Kendo.

"This is going to be good"
At the corner of your eye you saw Shoto fish out his phone and check the message you sent. Then his eyes widened and whipped his head around trying to see anyone suspicious.

"Don't look now but he totally got my message" you had to bite the inside of your cheek to stop the giggles.
Kendo snorted. Amused that the plan actually worked. Your phone binged.

" That's probably a message from him, I'm going to give you my phone when he isn't looking" You looked at him again from your side view and when Shoto wasn't looking you shoved your phone in her face.

"If I text him and he sees, he will think that I am the one texting him. And it you not me so Todoroki will find out either way." Kendo said, rejecting your idea.

"Oh yeah, shoot." You frowned.
"I could go under the table?" You added.

Kendo face palmed at the stupid idea.
"Just go to the restroom!"

Your mouth formed into a "o" as you realized the logic in it. The restrooms was right in front of the cafe, so you could check your phone while staying hidden.

"You are so smart sometimes!"you gave a award winning smile and congratulated Kendo, but in return she hit the back of your head.

"I'm always smart! Are you implying I'm not?!" She yelled

You winced in pain.
"Ok! Ok!" You put your hands up in mock surrender.
"I'll be texting you, it will throw him off track" you told her.

"I would like it if you don't drag me into the mess you are in" she huffed.

"Fine jeez"
___________in the restroom__________
You tapped on the notification.
So you do go to U.A
You pouted a bit disappointed.

Of course I do! You didn't believe me?
I'm hurt boo. *Wipes tears*

You opened the bathroom door just a bit so you could see Shoto. Confused a bit why he was panicking but all the same laughing at him. He will never know.

I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry!

You sweat dropped, so that's why he was panicking. He is as dense as a potato.

I was joking...
Oh. Well how was I supposed to know?

You rolled your eyes

Don't worry. It's just common logic. But seeing that you care I don't mind some chocolate and ice cream ;)

The bell rang indicating the end of lunch.
Just one more pic.
Send. Delivered.

Well talk to you later bye boo! Don't miss me too much.

You put your phone away and made your way to class.

Doki Doki (Todoroki Shouto x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now