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Right after you left the hospital you were almost put back. Katsuki was angry. His vocabulary icreased by 9000. He had said many words you didn't even know existed. Izuku was only confused so that was ok. And for some reason Uraraka and Kirishima got involved and started talking about their feelings.

Ugh. Disgusting. What even is a heart?

It sorta blew over after a few days and with exams right around the corner no one cared about the extra drama.

"Shouto what would if happened if your hair was pink instead of white and red?" You asked and Shouto sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. It was obvious that he was getting fed up, lol that didn't stop you though.

"Why did I think that if I let you sit with me, I would actually be able to eat my food?"
   He was picking at his food from across the table.

Honestly he looked more delicious than his lunch.

What? Just saying. We all know it's true.

"I don't know Shouto, why did you?" You sassed and he rolled his eyes in reply.

"So." You smacked your lips together. "Do ya think ketchup is a smoothie?"

He groaned and put his head down on the table.

"Leave. Me. Alone. Please."

"I'm serious Sho." (You nicknamed him Sho cause why tf not.)

"It's ketchup! Why do you care so much?"

His voice was muffled from his shirt.

"I'm just saying~ jeez, take a chill pill. Pun intended."

You laughed at your own joke and kicked his foot from under the table. Gently this time.

From the corner of your eye you saw someone approach your table.

"Hey guys, is it ok if I sit with you?" You and Shouto both looked and saw yo favorite broccoli boi. Give it up for Izuku Midori-bro.

"Of course, we don't mind." Shouto smiled and sat up straighter. Izuku smiled sheepishly and slid next to Sho.

"Sorry for bothering you, I just felt bad because of what y/n had to go through the other day." Izuku looked guilty.

"You know Kacchan and-"
He wanted but you cut him off, waving your hand.

"We all do Izuku, don't worry about it." You smiled warmly, he was such an innocent boi. He smiled back and then turned to Shouto.

"How about you? Nothing too bad I hope." He had the guilty look again.

Shouto shook his head.
"No, nothing happened to me."

"That's good, so, how have you guys been doing this week?"

Shouto smiled, you being the Shouto detective, you took note of it.

"A bit busy with the studying but that's all." Shouto replied.

"Ya me too." You said taking a sip of your smoothie.

"Oh yeah, the exams right? I hope you guys do well." Izuku smiled.

"Thanks my dude." (sLuRp.)

"Thank you, best of luck to you too." Shouto said.

It was like you no longer existed to Shouto.

Breaking news. It has been confirmed. Izuku is a literal sun.

"So how about you Izuku?" You asked.

"A bit of a rush, I've had many things to think about, mostly worrying about the exams."

Shouto nodded, like Izuku said the most philosophical things ever.

"Im really excited for the training camp, saying that I'll pass the exams." Izuku pumped his fists.

"Same here man." You said and Shouto nodded.

"So, how about you two? What have you guys been doing?"

"Studying." Shouto replied.

"Well, yes, but remember when I saved a monkey?" You said. Izuku's eyes widened.

"A monkey? What??? How? When? Where?" He pressed.

"Calm down bro." (You loved the attention and the fact that he was so gullible.)

"It was at a orphanage, remember? The reason why the kid ran was because of the monkey." You said with pride.

"Woah! That's cool! I didn't know that you had saved a monkey too!" Izuku's eyes sparked.

"It was stuffed." Shouto said in his usual monotone voice.

"Dang! Sho you messed up my mojo!" You laughed.

" I got you there though Izu!" You smirked

"Yeah, yeah. Did you know gullible isn't in the dictionary y/n?" The green haired boy said.

"Seriously? Wow." You didn't know that.

"Yup." Izuku laughed, like he knew something.

"Anyway. How has your training been Shouto?" Aaanddd that was when you were left out.

You slushed your drink around and occasionally. You eventually ewere so bored you had a conversation with yourself in your head.

    You watched Shouto and Izuku talk. It was obvious Shouto enjoyed Izuku's company. A lot. He even laughed once in a while. Hmph, you could probably make a better joke.

What does Izuku have that you don't? Looks?
Strong quirk?

After a while of trying to figure it out, which you couldn't, you got bored and experimented if they would actually listen if you said anything.

"I'm getting my tounge pierced."
They still talk.

"I'm adopted."

"I think I see a villan."
blah blah blah blah

"I just sharted my pants."
They still ignored you.

After a few minutes you just felt bad about your self and decided to go to Kendo to vent.

As you got up to throw your stuff away, Izuku spoke up.

"Y/n, where are you going?" He asked.

So now they cared. Great friend said they were.

"I'm going to go sit with Kendo, see you in class." You said.

He nodded and kept talking to Shouto.

Hmph. You were too cool to hang out with him anyway.

You huffed and stomped to the table Kendo was sitting at. Your head held high in defiance.

You smashed your stuff in the trash can, and ploppped yourself right down next to Kendo.

"What's wrong with you now?" She asked.


A/n sorry for the late chapter :/

Doki Doki (Todoroki Shouto x Reader) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя