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Shouto was un moveable. Not even your bad puns could get a reaction out of him this morning. It was crazy your infamous "what did the buffalo say to his son when dropping him off? Bison." joke didn't even make him crack a smile. Now he was being angry at the corner of your house, refusing to talk to you.

Dang, hes more dramatic than a drama llama. You were very attractive if you do say so yourself, but alas he was immune to all things beautiful.

So back to you. Currently you were at the mall thinking of a good present for Shouto. Your mom said it was a good idea to give him one and write an apology, present first apology later.

Now this is tough, A Shouto is a very calm and sensitive creature, you had to push it's buttons very precisely to get any sort of reaction from it (you are good at making people angry/annoyed )

An upset Shouto is very bad, it's very hard to get the beast calm again.
"Luckily for me, I am experienced in the emotion 'upset' and have dealt with many people with this disease " you sounded like those people on the animal shows.

You got Shouto an All might sweatshirt. It was blue with Yello words that spelled out "all might" in the front. There were some red and yellow stripes in the back. You bought yourself some ice cream from the ice cream truck with the extra money.

You were walking back home when you saw a cute dog on the side of the road. You guessed it was a stray because it has no collar on. You walked closer to it and it noticed you. It started to wag it's tail and walk towards you.
"Hey there little fell-HEY!" Just when you were about to pet it, it jumped on you and ate your ice cream.
Now your ice cream was splattered on the ground. You looked at it and pouted.
"You cant just do that!" The once innocent looking dog stared at you with an expression that said
"I just did, what you gonna do about it?"
You left with a heart heavy. Glancing at your ice cream one last time.
"Farewell my love, I will remember you"
The dog looked at you like "wtf" and you gritted your teeth.
"Murder" you spat at it and stomped away leaving the dog confused.
"And they say humans are the most intelligent creatures on Earth". The dog shook it's head

Continuing your walk back home you were now thinking of a way to apologise to Shouto. You should write a note but that would be way too much effort and energy.
"I guess I'll just have to say it in person."

_time skip_

"I'm sorry"
You shoved the All might sweatshirt at him.

"I really am"

He took it and looked at it.

"I folrgive you, but you have to stop flirting. It's very annoying."

You sighed
"I'll try, no promises though."

He warned you.

"Alright fine."

The rest of the day was great. You and Shouto played jusst dance, chess (you didn't know that you had any board games till Shouto found them) Monopoly, twister, Jenga and a lot more. Now you two were on the couch watching some horror movies.
You loved to watch horror movies. It never really scared you unless there was a jumpscare, just the thrill of the movie was exhilarating.
Shouto didn't bail out like most people did and he doesn't get scared easily so it was really fun to watch it with him.
"I think she is going to die next."

"No way! Have you seen short stack? He would probably die from fright first!"

"I bet the girl"

"You are on, winner gets the rest of the popcorn."

He won, you were off by a long shot,your character ended up siding with the murderer in order to stay alive, then ended up killing the murderer and being the main villain, geez don't mess with short people.

The credits rolled and you stretched. A inhumane sound came out from your mouth as you "yawned".
"Well I'm tired want to go to sleep now?" You looked over to Shouto to see that he was already asleep. You smiled and looked around for a marker. You found a sharpie under the couch and you uncapped it.
Right before you were going to draw a mustache Shouto grabbed the marker and froze it.

"You thought I was going to let my guard down with you in the room? Never again y/n."

"You are no fun."

"Playing with a soon to be psychopath isn't my idea of fun"

"It's soon to be wifu"

"Y/n stop."

"Who said I was gonna be your wife?"

Shouto was silent.

"I just exposed you. Don't worry I'll marry you Shouto if you like."

"You usually make jokes about this so I assumed it was me. I wasn't hoping, don't get the wrong idea."

"Excuses, you are hiding your true feelings."

"Just go to bed."

"You will never live this down."
You laid down on the other side of the bed laughing to yourself.

A/n I was sick and had no ideas how to play this out.

Doki Doki (Todoroki Shouto x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now