where you goin with my man???

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So um.. it's very hard to make this story humorous without it being boring so this point on I'm not gonna censored the words... And if you get offended easily, just leave. Lol don't say I didn't warn you.

You passed the exams in a breeze. When the results came in you were tied with Momo for first place. Take that Sho. Who ever said you had to work hard to succeed was wrong.

You felt like you had accomplished something great. Is this what it feels like to be number 1? Cause this feels damn good.

"Y/n why are you on the table?"

"Fuck you that's why."

____time skippppppppuh______

They weren't kidding when they said the training camp would be intense. But it was nothing you couldn't handle.

"Hhooo boi, I think I see some spicy chicken looking to be eaten."
   You were looking at Shouto. You only came to the training camp for the plot.

And I guess to get stronger, but let's be realistic, you could probably easily overpower everyone here with your quirk.
Excluding the pros.

"Working hard eh Sho?"
You hollered from across the field. You were experimenting what you could do with some trucks, melting, shrinking, etc.

"Shut up y/n."
He yelled back, taking a break from whatever he was doing. He looked pretty tired. He was drenched in sweat and was breathing pretty hard.

   Yeesh, the worst you got was a small headache.
You looked around, you were too busy before to admire this place. The place was huge not to mention.

*Slaps roof on training camp*

This baby can fit so many hardworking students and one bootiful boi.

I'll buy it!

You were gazing into the abyss, your hair flowing in the wind, the sun sh- oh hey look it's Class 1-B.

"What's up guys!"
You cupped a hand to your mouth and waved enthusiasticly at them. Only a few kids waved back.

Rubbing salt on to the wound. Many of the would die to be where you were. In Class 1-A.

Heh, loosers. Excluding a few if em.

Anyway when is lunch?

__lunch time lolz___

"Hey Sho! I need your help here too!" You called him over for like the fifth time.

"Stop blowing out the fire and you won't need help." He sighed and lit the fire again.

"I dont know why it keeps on happening! I swear." You crossed your heart.

"You also didn't know why your phone was filled with pictures of me when I asked to use it." He snapped.

You coughed, and turned red.
"That was a misunderstanding.."  you looked away.

He raised an eyebrow.
"Are you.. blushing?"

"WhAT? no. Never."

You saw him smirk.
"For once it isn't me."

"And you say you don't like it but always get turned on."

Now he turned red.

"No I don't!"

"Now you are red."

"That's because if the heat."

"Your quirk maintains you body temperature."

"Shut up."

You laughed and in between giggles you said.

"I love you so much Sho."

Woah! How did that slip out? Oh jeez how would you explain this. You were probably redder than his hair now.

But hey, who could blame you?

"..What?" His eyes turned wide as he looked at you.

"As a friend.. I love you as a friend."

Shouto didn't know what to say. What else could he say.

"It a normal thing friends say."

"Oh.. um..Ok."

"You don't have to feel the same way, sorry it just slipped out, its because- oh look great I'm rambling, you make me panic-"
you were spewing out excuses

"Ok, I get it. You always ruin the moment y/n."


"Well you know me. Turn a 0.2 to a 0.3." heh drake

"By the way your smile is gorgeous, use it more often."

"Stop it."
He groaned and face palmed.

"Make me~"
Shouto rolled his beautiful eyes.

"Ok, so can you light the fire now?"

"If you promise not to blow it out." He sighed and lit the oven.

"Sure," you cleared your throat and patriotically straightened.
You put a hand over your heart and the other in the air.

"I, y/n l/n promise not to blow out the fire after you put it up."

You grabbed Shouto's cheeks, squishing  his face. Damn his face was soft. Did he moisturize? He must of. There was no way anyone could of had such soft skin.

After your fangirling, you announced.

"Now we have to seal it with a kiss."

You puckered up and leaned in.

Then, he froze you face.

You melted it off and watched him stomp away.

"You didn't say anything until the last second!"

____Time skip____

After eating half of the food supply the school had brought, you decided you were full.

There was a activity planned after it had turned dark and partners we're being picked.

You ended up with Izuku, to your disappointment. Izuku was a great friend but Shouto was the one you were after.

"Yo, Crapsuki, let's trade partners."

"Like hell I will, I'd rather be with this Shit head than the nerd."

"Trade and I'll give you my whole stash of peppers."

"... Deal."

"No switching! It time for the teams to go in!" A bubbly cat eared person said.

She crushed your dreams in a second. Being with Shouto, under the moonlight, just the two of you... Well that would never happen now.

You saw Crapsuki and Sho go in.

"You better not touch my man Shitsuki!"

Katsuki flipped you off.

"I'm not gay!" He yelled, but you weren't convinced.

"Do you really not want to be with me y/n?"
Izuku piped up.

"No, I like you dude, but I was doing both of us a favor. You would be with Katsuki and I would be with Sho." You quickly said.

"That's not really a favor for me.." he laughed.

"Well he doesn't want to admit it, but don't worry, he will come around." You assured him putting a hand in his shoulder.

"T-thats not what I meant!"


Doki Doki (Todoroki Shouto x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now