redoing the chappy lol

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You got your license.




Well for some people but when you are dating a FUCKING BIG ASS NERD you have no choice but to take summer classes.

How did he convince you?

Well the scenario went something like this:

"Hey y/n?"

"Yeah booboo?"

"Can you do summer sch-"


Shouto used his special move Slydog.

"I know you may not want to do it, and I'm not forcing you to but I would really appreciate it if you did do it with me."

Y/n is paralyzed.

"nAni? Well if you put it that way... fine! But only this once."

Y/n has succumbed into the darkness.

^Major oof.

Anyway right now you and Sho were heading to the hospital to see his mom.

You two had to take the train because the night before the two of you had a sleepover/binge watching horror movies.

You and Sho woke up at 2 PM.

You must be wondering "wHy dIdNt mY mOm DeMoLiSh mY aSs?"

Because she also stayed up late watching the movies with you.

But yeah, you two were on a train and a kid next to you was watching Ninja play fortnite on his phone.

You internally shook your head when you found out and when you were about to get out on your stop, you hit the kids phone out of his hand.

"Ninja is a dead man now." You told him solemnly and boarded off.

Sho gave you a lecture on how you "Can't just break people's phone just because they have a different opinion than you."

Tch, but it's not like he even knows why Ninja is a dead man.

On the way you stopped by to get a banquet of flowers, and they were 50% off aka fifty cents.

^50% off is a reference. Lol haha ok I'll stop.

You also stopped by sweet frog because you had a cupon. Sho had to buy his own.


AhHh I'm high on sugar from that FRO-ZONE YO-GURT-E

^hopefully I see this and remember to press the backspace.

Anyway after having dat amazing af YO-GURT-E dat was frozen, you finnaly got to the hospital.

Internally you were panicking about how not to be the awkward little shit you just morphed into everytime you saw a human being that you didn't really know. Or during like a sad event.

Like the stupidest shit just comes out.

"My dad just died.."

"That must really suck. At least you have your mom right?"

Scenario number two:

One of your teachers dog had to be put down and she was upset during class.

One kid came up and asked why she was so sad and your teacher gave out a answer between sobs.

She started to full out cry and some kids went to give her a hug.

Doki Doki (Todoroki Shouto x Reader) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang