yippe de hey hoo

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So. Guess what.

Chicken butt.

No butt really.

^R.I.P me

Ok,ok so there were villans all along.
I know right, "Woah villians?! Who would of guessed?"




So yea Izuku had to go save a kid and you went into the forest to save the other kids.

But then!

Someone farted, and now there is purple gas in the forest. It's so bad that when you smell it you are knocked out.

Lol jk, its a villans quirk.

Or is it????!

Yea it's a villan.

Also, coincidence that it's 3 am right now? No. It's not. Villians are just extra.

So now you were helping da gang bring some people back to safety. Izuku was one of them scince he decided to go break his arms.

*Insert slow clapping.*

So there is the recap let's get back to the show shall we?

----------we be backkkkkkkkkkackkackackk-

First the fog then Emo kid can't keep the inner demon inside of him. Great.

You screamed while you guys were running away.

"NO WE NEED LIGHT!" Izuku screamed back.


Oh look the fog is clearing.

"Todoroki can you use you fire to weaken the darkshadow? It uses the darkness as strength so bright light would be a good counter." Izuku said hurriedly.

Shouto nodded and lit a fire in his palm.

"Not too big, remember we are in a forest. Remember Smokey the bear." You said.

Shouto ignored you.

Smokey is disappointed smh.

Well looks like we got that covered now all we have to do is get out of here.

Oop there goes Emo.

And there I go.

Oh look Katsuki decided to join us.

Not like he had a choice...

"Where did they go?" Izuku said, searching for us.

"They were right behind us.."
Shouto muttered.

"Guys over there! It's a villian!" Shoji said.
And everyone turned to the direction he was talking about.

"And he has them!" Tsu said.

"He's getting away! We have to get them back!" Izuku yelled.

It was happening so quickly, first they were running. Now they were in the air. Then Pop! More villians. So much fighting. A crazy girl. Shouto  being cool, literally. Shoji getting the marbles.
Then them being shook about the warp villan.
"We aren't leaving with out them." Blue fire said.

"Who said we were?" The clown revealed the three of you in his mouth. If you could say "Taadaah." You would of.

"You can't do this!" Izuku wimpered.

Then BOOM there was a laser and then you were in the air. Emo was released and Shouto almost got you.

Key word, almost.

Doki Doki (Todoroki Shouto x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now