making out

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"Woah, you had a tough childhood." Your hot chocolate had completely cooled down but was still half full and in your hands. The towels were long forgotten.
"Yeah, now it your turn."
"Well... My mom left my dad, because he was a villan. She found out he was a villan when she got pregnant and was like "uh no" and left him for the sake of my future. The end"

"That's it?"

"Yup." You stretched out your legs.
"Yours was pretty messed up, that explains why you didn't use your fire quirk." You got up from the couch.

"Alright so my idea was to make a fort, so get off the couch, we need to use the cushions."
Shouto slid off the couch and you shimmied the cushions off.

"Alright cadet! Go get the chairs from the dining room, all four of them, and I'll get my blankets!" You exclaimed.

"Aren't you supposed to be sick y/n?" He reluctantly went to the kitchen and did as you asked/ordered.

You marched up the stairs and slammed the door to your room open.
You threw as many blankets on your head as you could and tried to go downstairs.
Key word tried.

After the first step you tripped, and rolled down.

"Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow" for every step you bumped on you yelled a "ow", and just Shouto's luck he happened to be at the end of the stairs.

He saw you tumbling down and yelled, you screamed in reply.
You fell on top of him, blankets and all.

"Mama Miya, that was one spicy meatball!" Your head popped up.
You looked down to see Shouto groaning.

"Ello mate! How's the veiw down there?" You said in a British accent.

"Just get off of me."

"Aye aye Captain!" You rolled over.

"Did you get the chairs?" You were now trying to gather the blankets again.
"Yes, what happened up the stairs?"

"Lil ol me tripped on ze blankets"

"Idiot. Next time be a bit more careful"

"No promises."

"I swear you weigh over six hundred pounds." he glared at you.

".... Anyways! Let's go build the fort, yea?" You nervously walked away from him.

"You do weigh more than a six hundred don't you?"

"That's for me to know and you to guess."

"I'm guessing yes."


___time skip__________


"What are we doing again?"

"We are attacking the ogres that came to our swamp!"

"Do you need help?"

"Shouto! It's called imagination!"

"Imagination and a mental disability is two totally different things."

"You are no fun."

He threw a pillow at you.

"Let's spar instead"

"It's called a pillow fight."

"It's called a pillow fight if you only use pillows."


The next few minutes we're complete chaos, popcorn flung everywhere and bits of pillow fluff ended up in your hair.
You tackled Shouto to the ground and pinned him down. Both of you guys were panting heavily. His multi colored hair was a mess and there was sweat on his nose.

"I win."
You said between gasps of breath.

"You cheated" he retorted indicating on the time where you jumped from behind the couch.

"Villans don't play fair."

"So you are a villan now?"

"Yup I'm the OgreSlayer."

Shouto chuckled, his breath fanning your face. You smirked as you realized how close you two were. At the same time Shouto did too and a blush formed on his face.

"Get off me."

"Who said I wanted to?" You leaned in a bit closer and Shouto squirmed, desperately tried to push you off.

"Y/n stop! What if your mo-"

"What are you kids doing?"

"Makeing out"

You and Shouto said at the same time. Shouto managed to push you off. A bit more forcefully than needed.


"What did I say about silly buisness y/n? Start getting ready to go to bed."

You rolled your eyes and stood up, you stuck a hand out for Shouto but he swatted it away, still flustered.

"Hey he wasn't complaining" you muttered and smiled, walking to the bathroom.

"Dude! I said I was sorry!" Shouto had thrown anything he could get his hands on you. Now he was giving you the silent treatment. He was sleeping on the couch his back towards you. He forced you (kicked you off) to sleep on the ground.

"Come onnnnnnnnn my mom probably doesn't care."


"I won't do it again"


"I swear on All might."


"Shouto talk to meeee."


"I can't live without youuuuuuu"


"Ill start singing."

"Just go to sleep"

"Ayyyy me boi no angry no more?"

"If you talk one more time I'll freeze your mouth shut."

"Kinky much?"

He got up and stomped upstairs, making sure to step on you.

"The guest room is on the right! I'll be down here if you feel like forgiving me!"

Of course he didn't reply.

"Good night! Sleep tight!"

"Shut up y/n!" It was your mom who replied.

You sighed and slumped down. Hopefully he won't be too mad in the morning..

Doki Doki (Todoroki Shouto x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now