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"Remember to behave, I don't want to babysit you." Your mom parked the car and got out.
"Meee? Psh I'll be fine."
She looked at you uncertainly.
"That's what you said last time." She turned on her heel and strutted towards the entrance. Her (hair color) waving behind her.
Loreal, because I'm worth it.
You followed her, skipping behind her and trying to swallow down the nervousness. Sure you knew the drill, but that didn't mean you perfected it.
You opened the glass door and was greeted with slow music and the smell of wine.
Most everyone was sitting down at a table or up chatting at the dance floor. You quickly scanned the area to see what you had to deal with. Your (eye color) eyes taking in the details.
You sighed, luckily the people didn't look too stuck up so when your mom tried to make you socialize it wouldn't be that bad.
Anywho you gotta do that daily routine just to get rid of the extra nerves, it's never good to be a little nervous. Especially in your case.
You found your way to the restroom
brushing past people with a "excuse me" or "coming through".
You opened the door and went inside. You crouched down and searched to see any feet. Nope I was deserted. That's good, anyone who has ever witnessed this ritual of your has never left the bathroom sane.
You took out your phone and blasted Despacito 3.
Then you did a dance. Not the dance where you dance to the music, but the dance you do at home, alone when no one is watching.
Let me clarify, you know that feeling where you just feel immensly happy and you just gotta dance. The one with your limbs flying around and a stupid expression plastered on your face? Yup bingo, that's the one.
You were so ingrosed in it that you almost didn't notice a person come in.
Well you sorta did.
From the corner of your eye and the mirror you say someone open the door. They were looking at their phone but of course Desparcito 3 blasting in the bathroom was enough to get their attention.
And of course ,you being the only one in the restroom, they had their attention on you.
You froze in a awkward position, your arms pozed in a way that looked like you were going to kill someone.
You felt like a deer in headlights, all of the blood drained from your face.
After a few moments of silence (not really, the music was still playing)
you asked,
"What are you lookin at butthead?"
You slapped yourself mentally.
This was just dandy, they probably think you are a maniac.
You watched them stutter for words , obviously confused before slowly backing back out the door.
Your eyes still trained in them, but this time you tried to look a bit apologetic.
It wasn't their fault they had to be an audience.
After they left you stood there for a second, contemplating life's descisions.
You sighed for the hundredth time today and turned the horrible music off.
Great, just great, you haven't even interacted with anyone and now you already messed up. You walked out, now feeling bad for yourself you descided to get some food to raise your ego back up.
You sadly walked to the food court and ordered some chips.
You found yourself an empty table and ploppped down. Drowning your misery in the chips you looked around for anything interesting.
You caught your eye on a flaming man. He was on fire, and he didn't seen to care... Oh wait! Wasn't that the #2 best hero? What was his name again? You pondered for a moment letting names roll on your tounge to see if any clicked. Endelor? That's sounds somewhat right. Wait if Mr. Endahler was here then.. Yup there was Shoto and he look fine af in that tux.
Your faced morphed into the one of the Grinch as you rubbed your hands together. Round 2 baby!

I see u!

Omg lolll


I think not

U look so softtttttt

But at the same time ur jawline could cut STEEL.

hOoo boi

Is it me or is it getting hot in herE?

Wait, you are at the gathering too?


Alive and breathing

Did I mention u look handsome?

That's my bby right there

Where are you located?

Yeet I'm not telling


Why would I?

U should know by now

Give me a hint.

Sure, I'm the one...


geT GoT

Not funny.

You are probably the only other person my age.

Oh geez u right

You know I will get you eventually.

We ain't playin tag bby boo

U ain't gonna get me

I bet, if I find out who you are by the end of the day, you owe me.

Owe u wut?

I'm working on that.

No, whatever you are thinking, no.

U don't know what I'm thinking

So hah

You are right, but from how small you have proved your brain to be, I'm pretty sure I'm right.



I am neither of those things.

U right ur meh hubby

You don't own me

U right

I own ur heart



It's the light, I'm not affected by your comment in any way.

Do not assume things.



Then suddenly, pineapples.

Just kidding

"Why are you grinning like that? Get off your phone there is someone I would like you to meet."

Doki Doki (Todoroki Shouto x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now