Im sowwy

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You decided after school was the best place to explain to Shoto

Boi u rrly ain't dating anyone r u?

R u mad at me?

Is it cause I just exposed u?

Is it cause I said I wanted u to buy me stuff?

I said "I don't mind" which means I was joking

I don't need ur money I already have a bunch

I'm sowwyyyyyy

Forgive meeeee

I need uuuuuuuuu

Is it to late now to say sowwy?

Cause I'm

Missin more than just yo bodyyy

Yea I know I let u down

Is it too late to say I'm sorry now?

Why did you do that?

Omg ur backkkk

The buying me food or the singing?


Boo I was joking

And I had to sing my heart out

It was the only way u would listen

You could of just left it at "I'm sorry"

Hey it worked didn't it?

So we cool?

If you are implying on the argument and not my temperature, then yes I forgive you. Just don't confuse me again

You got it boo!

I'm crying tears of joy

U stress me out too much

But it okie

I don't mind :D

So hows ur day been?

It's been fine.

U sure? I saw u lookin sad at lunch

U sat by urself instead of Izuku and his friends.

And u burned ur food


And yes, I am fine, just had a little problem.

So you are friends with Midoriya too?

For the last time I'm not a stalker!

I'm just worried abt u

U can talk to me if u want

And yea ill give it to u I'm friends with Izuku

That doesn't mean he knows I'm texting u

Yes, but he can recognize you phone number can't he?

I appreciate that you look out for me but I don't need a supervisor.

You can try all u want honey boo but u ain't gonna know who I am

U welcome and I know u don't need help but whateva u still gonna feel my luv

What abt that "special someone" of urs


I was lying.

I have never dated anyone.

Haha, this time I fooled you.

Uh nu u didn't

Just wanted to clear things up.

And wow I'm surprised you never had one!

If you are going to ask me, don't bother. I don't even know you.

Uh no. Not yet anyway.

And ouch boo!

But u sure u are fine? I got a bunch of things to cheer u up :3

Like what?

( You spammed him a bunch of cat videos)

Please stop now.

Again I'm fine.

Lol they were cute right

Not as cute as me tho

What you going to do this weekend

I have no plans, so I will be studying for upcoming tests and training.

Jeez you sound like Iida.

I know you are taking a mental note I can see you

Technically you can't.

I'm surprised you know so many people from class 1-A

Do I really sound like Iida?

Yea u did

And u would be surprised in how many ppl I know

How many friends do u have?

Not many, I came to U.A learn how to be a hero not to make friends.

I consider Midoria, Iida, and Yaoyorozu as acquaintances. The rest, classmates.

Ur making me cry

I'll be ur best friend for now boo

Until u return meh luv

And if u say that u "came to be a hero and not make friends" well guess what

We aren't in the same class and rn I'm pretty sure we both aren't in U.A

Besides life is short so live it up

U can still be a great hero and have friends

All might has friends doesn't he?

U don't have to be serious 24/7 boo

Loosen up

He didn't reply for a while.

"He left me on read again!"

You sighed. Oh well it was getting late anyway so you better start on homework.

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