nah this is Patrick

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You looked up, with a face that looked like confused Nick.
"Uh, wat?"

"Yes, I want you to meet the son of Endeavor's."
Hold your horses, does that mean.
You peeked your head to the side of Ms. (Last name).
Well my golly, he really is coming over.

He is coming over?


You cant let him see the phone in your hands so you did what anyone else would do.
Stuff it down your pants.
Your mom raised an eyebrow but said nothing as Mr.ImOnFireButIDontCare
approached her.

"Ms. (First name) (last name), I have heard a lot about you from your mom."

"I have also heard a lot about you Mr, but from the news" it was the first thing that popped into your head.

He chuckled and gestured to his son.
"This is my son Shouto, I hear you go to the same school"
You nodded

Crap, this ain't a space ship.
Mr.ShoutosDad gave you a weird look. The one where you know they are silently judging you.
Then your mom spoke up,

"Alright then, we will leave you two be."
She too, gave you a look, but it meant "behave" and also "Explain about the phone later".
Tsk, I'm always an angeland besides she wouldn't want to know.

SooooOo back to the task at hand,
It would be good to not act like yourself right at this situation so he doesn't find out its you.
It's hopeless, he probably already knows.
Then you would have to act like there is another person in this room that he would believe to be you.
That doesn't make sense does it?
Yeet, it's worth a shot.

You whirled around to him and patted your clothes and hair down,
"Hello, I'm (y/n) (l/n), nice to meet you"
You raised your voice an octave higher and puckered you lips like those celebrities. This is so uncomfortable. How do people do this?

"I'm Shouto Todoroki, nice to meet you too." He put out a hand to shake,
and you took it, acting like you totally didn't have a phone down your pants.
There was a moment of silence before he suggested you guys sit down.
You waddled behind him like a pregnant penguin, it would look extremely wierd if a phone just slid out down your pants so you had to be careful.

Then it was awkward....

"So.... Do you know the other person that goes to U.A" Let's hope this works.

He turned around and looked at you curiously.


"Yea, the one uNder tHe tables.." ew you voice cracked.
He was in thought for a moment before asking
"Did they have a phone with them in hand?"
Relived he didn't notice the bomb that just went off, your replied with no hesitation, he was buying it.

"Yes, I believe so. And it looked like they were having a feast."
You added a small chuckle for decoration.
He nodded.
"That sounds like them" Your crush murmured.
Then he narrowed his eyes, as if you were a criminal.

"What class are you in?"
You can't lie. Shoot.

"Class 1-B" you could see his suspicion rising "We met at the sports festival. I don't know if you remember"
It took him a while but then familiarity sparked up in his eyes.

"Oh, yes, I do remember"

Good, when you fight you go into serious mode, so he probably knows you as a Katsuki-ish kinda person by the little background info he has on you.
Man you had to give it to yourself,
hiding your identity right in front of him. This was a whole new level of ligitness.
You mentally patted your self on the back. Quick thinking was not your specialty but, here you are.

Doki Doki (Todoroki Shouto x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now