For the First Time(a SouMako story)

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Hey I'm back with one of my old stories I've written plus it's kinda one of those edit version but longer. Warning: contains sexual details. If you don't like then don't read it as for the rest of you enjoy!


Sousuke Yamazaki and his swim team from Samezuka High were ready to compete in the swim meet against the team from Iwatobi High where his best friend's sister goes to.

Finally they arrived to meet the team until he sees this one boy named Makoto Tachibana, who has the most brightest green eyes and the cutest smile Sousuke has ever saw in his life.

Although they were two boys from two different schools, Sousuke couldn't help but stare at this adorable boy whenever he smiles so sweetly at him. That is, until he sees him with his rival Haruka Nanase and then he goes back into cold and aloof mode.

It was during that time the swimming contest had just begun, and both competitors were fast and good including Sousuke, himself. He was cheering at the rest of his teammates, but when he saw Makoto swimming, his heart began to pound in his chest. A few minutes later Sousuke held his breath when he saw that shy boy looking very fierce swimming across the pool like he's a different person.

Sousuke sighs when his team lost against the Iwatobi Swim Team, but he wasn't acting like a sore loser. So he walk up to the other team to each of them a firm handshake but, when he touches Makoto's hand he sense an electrical, warm feeling going through his body.

"It was a pleasure competing against you, Sousuke." ,said Makoto with a sweet voice that could melt an iceberg. Sousuke felt his entire shiver down from his spine to his groin when he shook the pure young man's hand and heard his angelic like voice.

Later that night Sousuke was listening to his MP3 player as he was falling asleep until he had that dream. He was dreaming of having sex with the shy boy Makoto Tachibana, gasping for air, clenching the sheets, and moaning in the heat of sexual ecstasy. Seeing his face turning so red from the heat and his eyes filled with lust.

Sousuke jumped up out of the bed realizing he had a sex dream with Makoto from Iwatobi High. "That felt so real like I was actually doing it with him, what the hell.", thought Sousuke, thinking it's probably just some frustration from the practice he had and that was it.

Ever since that dream he had last week, Sousuke was having a hard time concentrating on his studies and his swimming practice. He really want to get that dream out of his mind, but lately he's been having the same sexual dream about that innocent boy moaning out his name during sex every night.

Later that afternoon Sousuke went to the library to study in peace since his buddy Rin Matsuoka was constantly hanging out with Haruka Nanase. He continues to study until he sees his one true desire sitting across from him. He thought that avoiding Makoto would tone his sexual urges, but it only got more and more worse by the day.

Makoto looked at the shock and disdain young man in front of him and in a cute voice he said, "Hiya Sousuke, I didn't see you here do you want me to move to another table."

"NO!, I mean no I don't mind you sitting here with me maybe we can help each other out." ,said Sousuke trying to restrain himself grabbing the cute boy and fucking him senselessly on the library table. Makoto smiled he continues studying with the man and to be completely honest, he too, had a crush on Sousuke ever since his swim team compete against his team, but couldn't say it without being notice from his teammates and his friends.

Unlike Sousuke, Makoto didn't had those sex dreams, he had one of those romantic dreams like when he was receiving flowers from blue eyed young man, taking him to candlelight dinners, and holding the handsome young man's hand while walking around the big city alone together at night. It's true, Makoto is a romantic kind of person through and through.

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