Alone with My Cherry Lover(a Jotakak story)

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This is my last old story I've written during the time I became a JJBA fan and what else can I say but I LOVE JOTAKAK!!! Anyways this story contains explicit details and sexy clothing. If you don't like it then don't read. And as for the everyone else enjoy!!!!


Jotaro and his gang decided to take a long break after traveling across the desert and battling Dio's paid henchmen. So they decided to stay at an expensive looking hotel.

During that time Jotaro have been thinking about Kakyoin lately since they confess their taboo feelings to each other the other night at the desert.

Flashback: Jotaro was staying sitting by the fire while everyone else was sleeping except for one.

"Um..Jotaro?" ,said a familiar voice.

It was Kakyoin Noriaki, Jotaro's secret crush since they first met back in Japan. Jotaro felt his heart skipped a beat whenever he sees this green eyed beauty before him. He saw Kakyoin sat down next to him and for once in his life, he became very nervous. Jotaro kept a pokerface on the outside but on the inside he was frantic. But he kept a straight face and ask, "Is there something wrong, Kakyoin?"

Kakyoin replied, "No, but there is something else I wanted to tell you, but I was afraid of how are you gonna reacted to it."

Jotaro tried to stop his hands from shaking as he clear his throat from sounding like a thirteen year old boy hitting puberty. "All right what is that you wanted to tell me?", he asked.

The red haired took a deep breath slowly, turn his head towards Jotaro and said, "I'm in love with you, Jotaro Kujo."

Just then Jotaro hugged Kakyoin and in his ear he whispered, "I'm in love with you too, Kakyoin Noriaki."

They softly smiled at each other and kiss as they cuddled up underneath the full desert moon looking at the stars above them. :End Flashback

Jotaro still remember that blissful night since then, also he's been controlling himself from pouncing on his secret lover during his journey with his grandfather and his friends.

Plus it was the perfect time for Jotaro to spend a romantic night with a certain redheaded beauty named, Kakyoin Noriaki.

After his grandfather, Joseph Joestar pay for the rooms Jotaro got his room key, calmly went to Kakyoin, swiftly lift him up by the waist, and they left their friends without a word to them especially a goodnight to his grandfather.

Jotaro unlocked the door and quietly kicked it open without making any noises in the hallway. He gently close the door and stride over to the queen sized bed to lay his lover down and kiss Kakyoin with so much lust and passionate he kept inside of him and pour it out towards his beloved one.

As they were kissing and spooning each other Jotaro wanted to take off their clothes but Kakyoin stopped him and asked, "Can I take off my clothes by myself please?"

Jotaro realizes that this was their first time together and wanted to make this moment more memorable, so he nodded his head yes as Kakyoin gave him a soft peck on the lips and slide off the bed.

Just then Kakyoin did a little slow dance as he took off his entire outfit to reveal a new and sexy one. He was wearing a white see through robe with a white G-string , and a pair of white thigh high stockings.

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