More than just Friends (a JeanMarco story)

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This is from my old stories I've written a year ago but it was too short so here's a new version. Warning: this story sexual details. If you don't like it then don't read it and as for the rest of you yaoi erotic lovers enjoy!

Jean has been avoiding Marco for months, because he started having these romantic feelings for him. It all started back in high school when Jean started to see his best friend Marco looking more and more attractive every day. And it made Jean feel more nervous and distance whenever he's alone with the freckled face man.

He was beginning to feel very anxious whenever he's sees Marco and feels more afraid and insecure to be around him without having this desire to pounce on him and make love to him in front of his friends.

Although nobody recognize the cold tension between these two, but there is the one person who knows about Jean's behavior.

One day Jean stayed home for the past few days and been ignoring Marco's calls which also cause everyone to be deeply concerned. Then he heard a knock on the door. Thinking it was Marco he timidly ask, "Who's there?"

"It's me, you stupid freaking horse face now open the damn door.", replied a familiar voice.

Jean sighed as he unlocked the door to see a very pissed off Eren Jaeger. He gulped knowing that he was in big trouble with Eren ever since he was caught flirting with his sister Mikasa Ackerman.

Eren calmly entered the living room and asked, "What the hell is going on between you and Marco everybody thinks you two have gotten into a huge fight or something."

Jean shockingly replied, "What makes everyone think that me and Marco were fighting anyways?"

"Because you've been avoiding him for the past few days and he thinks that you hate him!" ,shouted Eren.

Guilt began to spread all over Jean face realizing that he was hurting his buddy in the most painful way.

Jean sighs and said, "I really screwed up huh, dammit I thought if I stop seeing Marco then maybe these feelings for him would go away but somehow they became much stronger now."

Eren strode across the room and flick Jean on the forehead and told him, "I knew you've been crushing on that cutie ever since high school well me, Levi, Reiner, Berholdt, and Mikasa of course."

"Wait Levi and the others?!",ask Jean.

Eren irritably sighs and replied "Yes, but listen you better tell Marco how you really feel about him, or else I'll kick your sorry ass."

Jean laughed and said, "Yea, I will just get out before your fussy boyfriend finds out."

Eren laugh as he flipped Jean the middle finger while Jean think of a way to confess his love for Marco.

Meanwhile Marco was sitting at the cafe, drinking his latte while chatting with Levi Ackerman, Eren's boyfriend.

"You don't think Jean hates me right, I mean, we've been friends for a long time, but now we barely speak to each other let alone see each other.", said Marco feeling depress and confuse.

"No, Marco, Jean doesn't hate you at all I think he's scared of ruining his friendship with you." said Levi comforting a sad and confused Marco.

Marco didn't realized that Jean was scared of telling him secrets let alone one of his big secrets. "Um, why would Jean be scared of because we never keep secrets or maybe my secrets.", he thought. Marco feels very worried for Jean and needs to confront about this now. So excuse himself from the table and dialed Jean's cell number.

He waited patiently for Jean until he heard a certain voice on the other line. "Um hey, Marco." ,answered Jean sounding very guilty.

Almost feeling frustrated and upset, Marco took a deep breath and said calmly, "Jean, we really need to talk please."

Steamy Erotica: Yaoi StyleDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora